Marty’s Virgin Bloody Marys

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Who needs lessons in cocktail making when you can buy the cocktail mixers ready-made nowadays, and enjoy your cocktail without any of the mess!

Marty’s Virgin Bloody Mary is a pre-mixed Bloody Mary cocktail but without the alcohol. If you’re a fan of just the tomato juice, apple juice and apple cider vinegar summer drink then pop this in the fridge and drink away. Hugely hydrating, Marty’s Virgin Bloody Mary has no additives, is vegan and only contains natural sugars. You can of course, add your favourite alcohol to it to make up your own cocktail (conventional Bloody Marys have vodka but you can add anything you like to this!) or you can use it to create a completely new cocktail by adding other ingredients.  The high tomato content in this 750ml bottle can also be added to cooking – Bolognese sauces will never be the same!

Marty’s Mild Virgin Bloody Mary comes in a 750ml bottle but we were also sent the spicy version in 250ml. This had more of a kick to it and I would recommend the spicy version for cocktails where the alcohol balances out the spices. Both drinks are sold alcohol free though, so you can really taste the rich tomato flavours coming through in them, the spices that add the summer flavour and best of all, there’s no pulp from the tomato that you have to wade through in order to get to the flavour!  It is best to shake up the bottle first though as the natural juice does settle.

Best of all, Marty’s has won the Great Taste award in 2023 and A in the Aurora International Taste Challenge. Whenever a food wins such prestigious awards, I always like to find new ways of using it, so my lasagne is going to taste amazing this week, and I have ideas for a new salad dressing too!

MILD Virgin Bloody Mary currently on Sale for £20.99 for 3 at:

SPICY Virgin Bloody Mary currently on sale for £16.99 for 6 at:

Fox Vintage Crisps

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

National Picnic Week is here and with warm and sunny weather forecast for the weekend it’s looking like it’s going to be perfect picnic weather.

Crisps are one of my staple picnic snacks, crunchy and packed full of flavour they are great to munch on whilst chatting with friends and are the perfect accompaniment to sandwiches, salads or even a bottle of beer! If you’re looking for an extra special crisp then you really need to try some of the hand cooked Artisan Olive Oil Company crisps – made in Italy they will add a real touch of luxury to any picnic basket.

The Fox Salt and Truffle Vintage Crisps are thickly cut and have a satisfying crunch which you bite them. I’ve never tried a truffle before so I can’t tell you how close the flavour is to a real truffle but the earthy flavour combined with the saltiness of the crisp works really well and you find yourself reaching for more!  

The Fox Italian Vegetable Crisps are made from the finest root vegetables including beetroot, parsnip and carrot. Baked to perfection and lightly salted they are lovely and crispy and incredibly moreish! They’re a reasonable thickness and well-seasoned and the saltiness really enhances the flavour of the root vegetables.

With a RRP of £4.25 they are in the more pricey, premium crisps bracket however for a special treat they are certainly worth the extra money.  

LipQ Liquorice Balm

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

July is Plastic Free month and the beauty industry is notorious for creating products with plastic packaging, and sometimes products which contain plastic too.  LipQ have created this beautiful Liquorice Balm which comes in its own tin and doesn’t have a scrap of plastic in sight.  Never heard of Liquorice Balm? Well, that’s because this novel idea is borne from a need to prevent cold sores.  Liquorice in highly concentrated quantities, as included in the LipQ Liquorice Balm, has been proven to protect lips from cold sore outbreaks by weakening the virus that causes them.

LipQ Liquorice Balm contains glycyrrhizic acid to fight cold sores. Even if you’ve not been prone to them though, the balm works for everyone, combining a sweet almond and beeswax oil with avocado and sunflower seed oils and the liquorice root extract gives the balm it’s distinct scent. It’s not too overpowering though so you can detect it but even if you don’t like liquorice to eat, it’s not too strong.  The balm is lovely and cooling though, and it keeps the moisture in on your lips whilst giving a shine and it really isn’t that greasy either. There’s not the sticky marks left on drinking glasses like with other balms but it does work to give you hydrated lips. The handy tine of 30 grams lasts ages too, and is much easier to carry around than other brands.

It doesn’t matter if you suffer from cold sores or not, the LipQ Lquorice Balm is a plastic-free beauty alternative for all summer long.

Available online from £9.95 at:

Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash from Clarol

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Some smart person somewhere in Russia discovered that birch is a great detoxifier and exfoliator for skin and can help prevent acne.  Clarol have used this information to bring out a new exfoliating wash that works in 4 different ways to clean, exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin. We were sent some to try this week, and I must say, the scent alone is enough to brighten your skin!

Birch bark is known to detoxify the skin but uses natural ingredients instead of salicylic acid and methyl salicylate so your skin won’t dry out.  We don’t use birch bark anywhere near enough but the botulin in it reduces inflammation and Lupeol and Erythrodiol help produce the proteins needed to speed up the healing process. If you’ve had long term acne like me, then you’ll know that healing is part of a long process.

Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash also contains MicroSilver, which has long been known for its antibacterial features. Brilliant for acne, it doesn’t irritate the skin either so you won’t ‘make it worse before it gets better’ like some over the counter products.  The exfoliating aspect of the wash takes away dead skin and helps clear pores allowing extracts of Bladderwrack and White Nettle to calm skin and Coffee Seed opens pores, which should help the extraction of oils and bacteria too. There’s tiny amounts of pumice stone and rice bran in there too, to add to the exfoliation.

This gentle exfoliator lathers up on wet skin and when massaged in, takes away a lot of the surface grease and dead skin.  You don’t need much of it to create the lather, and after 2-3 minutes, rinse with water (I like to use warm water) and your skin is cleared plus not as dry as with other brands of exfoliant washes. It’s also paraben free, vegan and perfume free too.

Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash from Clarol is a lovely gentle wash, perfect for summer and especially for skin that suffers from acne and especially lots of make-up and not enough time to clear it!

Available from £12.95 at:

Kingsmill Fruit Fingers

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

I am always on the lookout for tasty treats to pop in my children’s lunchboxes and the new Kingsmill Fruit Fingers have been a big hit this week.

The soft, brioche-style fruity fingers are available in two fantastic flavours, Mixed Berry and Apple & Raisin and as well as tasting delicious they are also a great source of fibre.

Available in packs of four they are perfect for lunchboxes, picnics, breakfast or anytime you fancy a quick snack! As well as packing them in lunchboxes I have been enjoying them with a cup of tea in the morning. They are delicious eaten straight from the pack or  toasted with plenty of butter.  

We all think they are really tasty and at 147 calories a finger they aren’t too bad for the waistline either!

RRP £1.30 Available from Asda

Love Corn

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own

We love going on picnics as they’re a great way to spend quality time with friends and family away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. When the sun is shining, we’ll pack up a bag with treats and head off to find a picturesque spot to sit and relax and whether we’re on the beach, by a stream or up a hill the food always seems to taste a lot nicer outdoors!

LOVE CORN recently sent us a selection of their tasty snacks to try which went down a treat on our last picnic. Made by roasting corn kernels and by adding a little oil and spices LOVE CORN is incredibly crunchy and full of flavour and very moreish! With no synthetic flavouring the plant based snack is vegan, gluten free, Kosher and Non GMO and with 50% less fat than crisps is a much healthier choice.

Sea Salt is probably my favourite, it is a great alternative to popcorn or crisps and the saltiness works really well with the corn. My sons both love something with a bit more of a kick to it so the habsnero chilli really hit the spot for them.

Eating outdoors has a certain charm, so whether it’s a family day out, catch up with friends or a romantic picnic you won’t go wrong if you include a selection of Love Corn snacks in your picnic basket. Available in 7 different flavours – Sea Salt, Salt & Vinegar, Smoked bbq, Habanero Chilli, Cheese & Onion, Sour Cream & Chive and Milk Chocolate & Sea Salt which one will you try first?

LOVE CORN is also a great addition to salads and grazing boards. Try serving some of the habanero chilli LOVE CORN on a charcuterie board or sprinkle some sea salt LOVE CORN on a green salad to liven it up a little.

Sea Salt Multipacks are available from Sainsburys and Ocado for £3.25 and the Grab & Go Boxes containing 24 x 20g bags are available from Amazon at the current price of £18.99

Peptide Dry Shampoo, Scalp Foam and Hair Mask from Hair Gain

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

We all need a bit of help with our hair sometimes.  I love the ritual of hair masks, conditioners and then using products to fix my hair once it’s washed and styled.  Hair Gain sent us the Peptide Puff Dry Shampoo, Hair Gain Hair Mask, Hair Gain Scalp Foam and a lovely Hair Gain Comb to try out!

Starting with the Peptide Puff Dry Shampoo, it’s not an aerosol and isn’t like a mousse so it’s easier to use and will last longer too.  The dry shampoo is more of a powder, administered by a soft pad which prevents the powder from going everywhere and also helps direct it to the roots.  I was particularly happy to find that it doesn’t leave a white residue on your hair, nor does it leave a residue on your clothes. Instead, it’s clear and just takes the edge off of the oil in your hair. You can use as much or as little of it as you like so that it takes off more of the greasy shine but you get used to how much you need to use with time.

The Hair Gain Scalp Foam is a fairly new concept for women but men have been using enhancers for years. The foam is absorbed into the scalp and helps grow fuller, thicker hair. It reduces hair breakages from the roots and strengthens hair over time to prevent long term breakages.  This is a product you need to keep using and it’s probably best to use after you’ve washed your hair but before you completely style it. The formula makes your hair fuller anyway so it makes hair styling easier if you like big curls or lots of volume.  Over time, this should have more of an effect so I would go with using it every wash until it’s used up and then you’ll see how good it is!

The Hair Gain Hair Mask is probably my favourite.  It’s a luscious treatment to nourish your hair and is intently hydrating. You only need to use it in your hair for 10 minutes whilst hair is towel dry and then wash out, and once or twice a week is enough. Again, over time this works even better but with just one application you will find that it starts to work on making hair softer and fuller. In combination with the Hair Gain Scalp Foam, it creates thicker locks and less breakages.  It’s also a vegan formula but it does contain alcohol, sulphates and parabens.

The Hair Gain Comb was a nice treat to send to us along with the hair care products! I love a chunky comb so this is great for any hair type whilst you’re in the shower and trying to get the product through your hair as well as smoothing down the cuticles, especially if your hair is long and thick. It looks like plastic but it’s actually made from materials which are 100% biodegradable.

The Hair Gain product package creates an all-round treatment for your hair, from dry shampoo through to hair mask as well as the handy comb!  I’m looking forward over time to seeing the long term results on my hair and how it’s changed in thickness and strength too.

Peptide Puff Dry Shampoo for £15.00:

Hair Gain Scalp Foam for £25.00 (on sale):

Hair Gain Hair Mask £25.60 (on sale):

Hair Gain Hair Comb £11.95:


Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

We don’t normally review things like lubricants but when I saw that Überlube can be used for many other uses, I was intrigued! The award winning silicone personal lubricant can be used in sport and for beauty thanks to the added Vitamin E and smooth texture.

Firstly, it can be used as an alternative to moisturiser, but not to moisturise skin, more to keep the moisture in. In the literature we were sent with Überlube it describes how some users find it a great alternative to prescribed medications for dry skin, although it doesn’t work the same way as moisturiser. This could be a bonus if you’re allergic to some prescribed skin medication but might not be as effective, so it’s worth trying it on dry skin first.

I didn’t know that hair salons and photographers use silicone preps such as Überlube for getting shiny, glossy hair.  Überlube works as a relaxant to frizzy hair and smooths down stray strands. Think of the classic low bun with pulled back, wet-look hair and you will find it is achieved with silicone lubricant. It also protects hair from chlorine in the pool but it can be difficult to wash out of your hair because it’s not water based. Try a small amount first to see how easy it is to remove, or if you’re going on holiday, dare I say, try it whilst you’re staying at a hotel!

Überlube is also great for sports. As a runner, I often get chafing when running especially in the summer, so applying Überlube first can make a huge difference. As it’s not water based, it doesn’t absorb or evaporate as easily so keeps the skin free from friction. Again, as there’s no water involved it can be used for swimming or under a wetsuit and the water won’t wash it away.

Überlube is made with cruelty free products and contains no alcohols, no gluten, no glycerine, no scent and no flavourings. It’s paraben free and all vegan so everyone can use it, no matter what use!

Available from £29.99 at:

Clean G Rhubarb Flavoured Non-Alcoholic Gin

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Gin and tonics are becoming more sophisticated these days, especially with home-grown gin from the British Isles.  Not only is Clean G a non-alcoholic gin though, but it has the botanical flavours you’d expect of a rhubarb gin, plus none of the sugar.  Oh, and it’s vegan too!

Clean G Rhubarb won 95 points in the IWSC Awards 2021 and is becoming a favourite amongst those who love gin, rhubarb gin and particularly people who are not drinking alcohol. Think post-lockdown, where everyone is trying to give up alcohol, save money and still work from home.  There’s no harm in a 2pm G&T if it’s made with Clean G non-alcoholic gin but it still feels like you’re celebrating or winding down because of the flavour.

Let’s talk about the flavour.  It’s a take on a London Dry Gin, so it has the flavour of rhubarb by with a dryness that makes it more like a grown-up drink.  Added perfectly to a tonic (we were sent a set of Fever Tree tonics to try it with!) you can still add lemon or any of your favourite garnishes and the flavour of a gin and tonic is still there.  The texture of a London Dry Gin is also there, with the tangy aftertaste of the rhubarb to remind you that it’s still got spirit, if not any sugar or alcohol.

There’s no reason why you couldn’t use Clean G Rhubarb in cocktails as well.  The Clean G website has some fantastic cocktail recipes based on well known bar cocktails at:  We particularly like the Clean Applepolitan which includes apple, cranberry and lots of ice along with the Clean G Rhubarb of course!  

Available in supermarkets and online for £16 at:

Avani Hair Growth Oil by Hair Veda 

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Hair Veda have taken a range of natural, organic oils and created an oil blend to promote hair growth in those with moderate hair loss. 

With the antibacterial and antimicrobial oil properties, the scalp is cleaned and nourished to provide the best conditions for hair to grow.  The anti-inflammatory properties increase circulation to the scalp which in turn increases growth of new hair, and the oils themselves condition the existing hair to leave it shinier and glossier with less frizz. The Vitamin C rich oils enrich hair growth and the oils also help prevent dandruff and further hair loss.

Containing Jojoba oil, Cedarwood oil, Thyme oil, Rosemary oil, Lavender oil and Lemon oil among other natural ingredients, the combination of the oils helps the scalp grow hair again after hair loss, plus strengthens new strands and your existing strands.  To reap the full benefits of Avani Hair Growth Oil, leave it in for a few hours and let it work its magic like a hair mask and over several weeks, you’ll start to see a difference.

The instructions say to warm up the oil first to have the maximum benefit, which I did by placing it near a warm radiator.  Then, using the pipette provided, drop it into sections of the scalp and massage into your hair roots. With the remaining oil on your hands, run it through the length of your hair to give a protective, nourishing coat. After a few hours, you just have to wash out with shampoo and then you can condition and style as normal. I find though, that you don’t need to shampoo more than once, the one shampoo application is enough to clean your hair and doesn’t strip out the good work of the oil.

Results are not immediate – not for hair loss anyway.  What you will find is that after a few hours of your locks marinating in the Avani Hair Growth Oil, the smell is divine from all of the different oils in the blend, and your hair from root to tip is nourished.  Your hair is nourished over time with each application so after you shampoo and condition, there’s a slight improvement each wash.  The hair loss improves slowly with each application too, with your hair regrowth being stronger so that the strands of hair withstand the daily combing, styling and pollution of everyday life.  Over months and years, this all adds up to healthier, stronger and more luscious hair!

Available online from £29.99 at:

Love Raw Easter Box

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review but all thoughts and opinions are our own.

These days there is so much choice when it comes to Easter Eggs and no matter what your taste there is an egg for you. Some of my friends and family are vegan and there’s also a couple with dairy intolerances so it’s fantastic to see such a good selection of plant based chocolate this year, meaning they don’t need to miss out on this chocolately tradition.

Love Raw make the most delicious plant based chocolate and they have just launched a limited edition Easter box, although you’ll need to be quick as it’s only available from the 22nd to 24th March!

Inside the box are the following products

1 x Nutty Choc Ball Box containing 9 individually wrapped balls.

Nutty Choc Balls are a crunchy hazelnut coated in a delicious vegan cream and then covered in a crisp wafer shell and finished with Low Raw’s iconic m:lk choc and hazelnut pieces. They are absolutely scrummy and it’s probably a good job there’s only 9 in the box!!

3 x White Choc Cream Wafer Bar
Each bar contains a deliciously crispy wafer, oozing with Love Raw’s signature cre&m® filling and generously smothered with vegan white chocolate. Whether you’re vegan or not you need to try these!

3 x Milk & 3 x White Choc Peanut Buttercups
Each cup oozes smooth, creamy peanut butter and is covered in Love Raw’s iconic m:lk® and white choc. In my opinion peanuts and chocolate are a winning combination and Love Raw are definitely on to a winner with these.

RRP  £29.99 available here

Easter Eggs and Treats from NOMO

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

NOMO want to ensure that Easter this year is available to everyone, so with their mantra, “No Missing Out” they are ready for anything! The NOMO range this year incudes chocolate which is dairy-free, gluten-free and egg-free plus plant based so there’s no excuses to buy something for everyone. We were sent a yummy selection to test before the big Easter Weekend… did we find something we all liked?

The NOMO Creamy Choc Egg and Mini Bars is a conventional Easter Egg with four mini bars of NOMO chocolates in flavours Choco Orange Crunch, Caramel, Mint and Caramel Sea Salt.  All of them are usual flavours of NOMO chocolate and found in shops, but together they make a package of chocolate and eggs for Easter. The mini bars are just like the creamy chocolate (which is comparable to milk chocolate just without the dairy!) in that they all taste like you expect chocolate to taste, but without the dairy, gluten, nuts or egg and are plant-powered.  They’re also all vegan too!

Next we tried the NOMO Choco Fudge Egg & Bunny. This is probably for older children or even dairy-free adults as the chocolate is much richer, more fudge filled and has tiny fudge pieces in it. The accompanying bunny is also a treat and filled of fudge too! Like the Creamy Choc egg, this too is dairy, gluten, nut and egg free with no palm oil and yes, it’s also vegan. Can you see where the theme, “No Missing Out” comes into play? No matter what you might be intolerable to or what you can’t eat, there’s a flavour of NOMO chocolate waiting for you.

Finally, the snack of grown-ups is the individually wrapped Choc Fudge Bunny. It’s part of the aforementioned Easter Egg combination but for 90 pence you can buy these on their own and enjoy a creamy chocolate hit.  The outside chocolate is creamy choc with a filling of a rich fudge flavoured centre.  At only 30 grams they are a sweet afternoon treat, or something to add to lunch to give you the chocolate hit but without the environmental guilt or having to think about what it might contain.  Also great for friends if you want to get them something for Easter but not something they might be allergic to, or if you’re unsure if they are vegan or vegetarian!

The Choc Fudge Easter Egg and the Bunny are probably my favourite because I love richer chocolate and the fudge makes a nice change. You really can’t tell if they’re conventional chocolate or free-from chocolate because they’re so well made and have all the flavour and sweetness of High Street chocolate.

No matter who you’re buying Easter Eggs for, this year you have a lovely choice from NOMO and no matter what someone’s need, or taste in chocolate, there is no reason for anyone to miss out.

NOMO Creamy Choc Eggs and Mini Bars (154 grams) MRRP £6.50:

NOMO Choc Fudge Bunny (30 grams) MRRP 90p:

NOMO Choc Fudge Egg & Bunny (160 grams) MRRP £6.50:

Lola’s Cupcakes Mother’s Day Cake

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

You can never spoil your Mum enough on Mother’s Day, but you probably struggle to find enough in the way of presents.  Lola’s Cupcakes have the perfect Mother’s Day Cake which Mum can enjoy, or you can enjoy with the whole family with their range of sponges, fillings and sizes. Lola’s Cupcakes sent us this special delivery today and we can’t get enough of it! 

This cake, which is available for delivery nationwide, is the lemon and elderflower version in size medium.  There is the option of three different cakes; lemon and elderflower, chocolate sponge with chocolate buttercream filling and vanilla sponge with buttercream and raspberry jam filling.  The wording on the top is either “Happy Mother’s Day” or you can leave it blank to personalise yourself later. This lemon and elderflower version is lemon curd and buttercream filling with an all-over lemon buttercream icing and delicate, edible real flowers. It’s a pretty pink board and well fitted into a Lola’s Cupcakes box so it’s easily deliverable.

The lemon sponge is incredibly light and fresh, with the hint of lemon which only comes from using real lemons as a flavouring and not artificial flavourings. The lemon curd filling is evenly matched with the buttercream filling so that the lemon taste isn’t overpowering but it’s definitely there. The elderflower mascarpone makes a nice change to the usual flavours and overall, the combination make for a light, tangy taste. The flowers, including daisies, also add some flavour to the icing. Even better, this cake is vegetarian so more people can enjoy it!

This medium sized cake, which is about 4 inches tall (10 centimetres) has 14 generous sized portions so could easily be used for a meal on Mother’s Day this Sunday.  It’s available from today (6 March) to be delivered over the weekend and can be ordered online or over the phone – details are available on the Lola’s Cupcakes website:

I’ve never tried Lola’s Cupcakes before and certainly not a home delivery service for cake but I was overly impressed with this. This cake is beautiful, and huge, and is delivered in perfect condition. The taste is exquisite, with a stunning combination of flavours that really work together to create a memory for Mum on Mother’s Day. It looks straight out of an Instagram page as well, but rest assured, it didn’t stay looking like that for long once my family all had a piece!

Available from £27.50 (£40.00 for the medium size shown) at:

Joe & Seph’s Easter Popcorn Treats

Hot Cross Bun Gourmet Popcorn, Chocolate Popcorn Mini Eggs and Hot Cross Bun Caramel Spread

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Joe & Seph’s are known for their gourmet popcorn, but as these Easter treats show, they are branching out into more yummy treats year round.  We were sent some Joe &Seph’s Gourmet Popcorn in Hot Cross Bun flavour to try, and the team added the delicious Chocolate Popcorn Mini Eggs and Joe & Seph’s Hot Cross Bun Caramel Spread.  Can you tell it was an arduous week of testing this bunch?!

Starting with the Chocolate Popcorn Mini Eggs, we broke into the pretty egg-shaped packaging to find the treats inside. The packaging is in the form of an Easter egg which can be used as a decoration with a ribbon look at the top. They would make great grand prizes for Easter egg hunts on Easter Sunday! Inside there’s a packet of popcorn bites weighing 42 grams. Each Bite is half an Easter egg of chocolate with two pieces of salted caramel popcorn sitting inside. They make great bite-sized treats especially as the popcorn is part of the Joe &Seph’s gourmet range and one of their most popular flavours.  Each popcorn piece is air popped and coated in salted caramel sauce and then placed in the milk chocolate cup to set, giving these delicious treats.  

Next, we have their famous gourmet popcorn in Hot Cross Bun flavour.  The popcorn is their usual air-popped (not fried) variety, which if you’ve ever tasted it before you’ll know it’s made in their London kitchens to the highest standard with no un-popped kernels or inedible pieces at the bottom!  The flavouring on this variety is caramel with added sweet fruit and mixed spices flavours to replicate the hot cross bun which is so closely associated with Easter.  The flavours really develop and give that tangy citrus aroma which you find in the best hot cross buns. It’s not too sweet though so you’ll find it easy to get carried away with this flavour! It’s also suitable for vegetarians, gluten free and has no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives.

Lastly, we tried the Hot Cross Bun Caramel Spread. This caramel spread is flavoured like a hot cross bun but it doesn’t mean that you have to spread it on one!  This works perfectly on toast, or as part of a cake or even on scones if you’re not partial to the Easter treat.  It’s made of natural ingredients but is very sweet, so probably something that you will want at weekends and not during the day.  This would work perfectly on porridge though and the more you think about it, the more the possibilities of how you use it are endless.  The sauce contains sultanas, zest peel and lots of spring spices to give a real Easter feel to it.  It is very rich though, so I would test it out before giving it to small children!

Just when you think you have seen all the popcorn you possibly could from Joe & Seph’s, they bring out this delicious Easter range, complete with ingredients which will last long into the summer! We can’t wait to see what the coming months will bring…

Joe & Seph’s Hot Cross Bun Gourmet Popcorn (£4):

Joe & Seph’s Hot Cross Bun Caramel Spread (jar 230g, £4.99):

Joe & Seph’s Chocolate Popcorn Mini Eggs (£5):

Tropical Sun Snacks

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

Anyone with teenagers knows it is essential to keep your cupboards well stocked with food as no matter how much they eat at mealtimes, they are invariably hungry an hour or so later. My teenage sons are always raiding the cupboards for nibbles, so when we were given the opportunity to try some snacks from Tropical Sun Foods I certainly didn’t need to be asked twice! Fortunately the box arrived quickly and it contained a fantastic selection of snacks to feast on, which I hoped would keep the boys satisfied for at least a week!

The first snack we tried was the plantain chips, there were four different flavours in the box  –Lightly Salted, Sweet Chilli, Sweet and Chilli and Lemon.  Plantain chips have a flavour that is reminiscent of potato crisps but the thicker chips have a more exotic taste and unlike their counterparts, offer a hint of sweetness alongside the saltiness. Made from ripened plantain, they are hand-sliced and then batch-cooked following a traditional recipe with no added sugar. The standout feature of these plantain chips is their irresistible crunch and as they are thicker than potato crisps, they are also great with dips and salsa and with less fat they are a much healthier option. My favourite is the Lightly Salted, it has just the right amount of crunch and saltiness, making it the perfect snack to eat  at my desk or whilst watching a film. My younger son who has a sweet tooth loved the Sweet chips, the sweet flavouring is very similar to sweet popcorn and again is a great snack when watching a film. Those who like a kick to their snacks will enjoy both the Chilli and Lemon and the Sweet Chilli chips. The Chilli and Lemon flavour is surprisingly mild, it’s not a flavour combination I have tried before but the lemon pairs surprisingly well with chilli and we all found them incredibly moreish. The Sweet Chilli plantain chips have more of a bite and were the first to disappear.   

A 450g tub costs £4.49 and they get a big thumbs up from my teenage taste testers.

I love peanuts so was very intrigued with the selection in the box – Crunchy Coconut, Crunchy Coffee, Crunchy Sriracha, Crunchy Wasabi and Crunchy BBQ peanuts. The delicious nuts are roasted to perfection and have a very satisfying crunch when you bite them. They are great as a snack but can also work really well as ingredients in cakes and biscuits, the Crunchy Coconut peanuts were a tasty addition to both my peanut cookies and Rocky Road and my bakes didn’t last long when I took them into work. My sons loved the Crunchy Sriracha and Crunchy Wasabi peanuts best, but I found these a little hot – much to their delight as it meant there were more for them!

RRP from £0.99

The Crunchy Mixed Crackers were a big hit with everyone, an irresistible mix of seaweed, green peas, soy sauce, garlic, spices and more, these little snacks have a pleasant hot kick to them and look nice and colourful in a dish. They are perfect for parties or even a mid morning snack.

RRP £2.99 (150g)

The final snack we tried was the Cassava Chips, made with cassava root they are thinner than  plantain chips and are a delicious alternative to traditional crisps. The thinly sliced chips are light and crispy and the 80g bags are the perfect size for sharing (or not!!)

RRP £1.49

Tropical Sun’s snacks are now a staple on my weekly shopping list and the winning combination of flavour and crunch is helping keep the hunger pangs at bay – no mean feat with teenagers. So whether you’re craving the tropical sweetness of the plantain chips, the crunch of roasted peanuts, the mix of heat and flavours of the mixed crackers, or the light and crispy crunch of the cassava chips, Tropical Sun have a snack for you.

Joe & Seph’s Valentine’s Day Popcorn

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

Valentine’s Day falls on a Wednesday this year so instead of going out we’re planning a cosy night in with a good film and plenty of popcorn. Since discovering Joe & Seph’s gourmet popcorn I must admit we’ve become “popcorn snobs” and supermarket popcorn doesn’t get a look in anymore!  Joe & Seph’s have an amazing selection of flavoured popcorn and we eagerly await the limited editions that are launched throughout the year for special occasions. The latest flavours to land on our doorstep were the Valentine’s collection which consists of three delicious flavours, Rose Chocolate, White Chocolate & Strawberry and Caramel Macchiato & Whiskey.

Joe & Seph’s make their popcorn in small batches using only the finest, natural ingredients which means all their popcorn is packed full of flavour. All the popcorn is lovely and crispy and covered in a delicious indulgent coating which makes it the perfect choice for a Valentine’s Day treat.

The White Chocolate & Strawberry air popped popcorn is a real treat for the tastebuds, when you pop it in your mouth you first taste the smooth caramel before getting a white chocolate hit which is then followed by a delicious fruity strawberry taste. It is light in colour with pink flecks and incredibly moreish so be warned!!

The Rose Chocolate popcorn is perfect for chocoholics. The rose flavour works well with the chocolate and reminds me of Turkish Delight. The popcorn is light and crispy and goes incredibly well with a sparkling rose wine!  

The Caramel Macchiato and Whisky Gourmet popcorn isn’t one I would have chosen myself as I’m not a whisky lover, but I was pleasantly surprised with this popcorn, the combination of smooth cream, Columbian coffee and Scotch whisky works incredibly well together and as it’s not as sweet as the other popcorn was my husband’s favourite of the three.

The 80g pouches contain 4 servings and the pouch is resealable, Once opened it’s recommended that the popcorn is eaten within 5 days – I’ve never been able to check out the freshness after 5 days though as it never lasts that long in our house!!

RRP £4

LoveRaw’s Nutty Choc Balls

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

LoveRaw started in 2013 with the crazy idea of founder Rini to create vegan chocolate that tasted like regular chocolate. In the 10+ years since then, the website has grown and the product line has exploded to include all sorts of varieties of chocolate, including the Nutty Choco Balls (milk chocolate) that we were sent this week to try!

LoveRaw chocolate is not only vegan but is completely plant based, has no palm oil and no added artificial ingredients either.  LoveRaw product chocolate bars which are similar to commercial treats on the market, and are less about blocks or bars of pure chocolate or they type of chocolate you can cook with. The LoveRaw chocolate bars are the type of treats you’d buy for yourself for lunch, or as snacks for children. The fact that you can buy them in bulk (typically packs of around 16 bars) means you can keep them for lunchboxes or even use for children’s parties where anyone, even though with dairy allergies or who are vegetarian or vegan can eat them.

The Nutty Choc Balls are based on a famous commercial chocolate that the Ambassador would enjoy… each one is individually wrapped and contains a hazelnut surrounded by hazelnut cream, wafer then milk chocolate and finally a coating of hazelnut pieces. Guessed what it is yet?  The pieces are easily eaten after dinner, during a meeting or as they were in our house, as a snack in the afternoon when you need just one or two for a quick sweet hit of sugar.  

You really can’t tell the difference between the commercial chocolates and the LoveRaw variety. The chocolate still has a smoothness to it and tastes like chocolate should.  The added hazelnut pieces and hazelnut cream are still silky and indulgent and the wafer adds the decadent touch we look for in these chocolates.  The team at LoveRaw also sent me some Cream Wafer Bars in milk and white chocolate which I have tasted before, and the LoveRaw Peanut Caramel Bar in Milk Choc which is new to me, but I will make room for!

LoveRaw Nutty Choc Balls available from £9.99 here:

She Grows Veg Valentines Gifts

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Probably not your first thought for the typical Valentines present, but let me explain She Grows Veg to you and it will start to make sense!

She Grows Veg is an online seed company with a very modern, yet traditional twist. They sell seeds online, but they are heirloom seeds. That means the seeds are cultivated from rare varieties of vegetables, fruits, flowers and trees and are typically not found in your usual garden centres. This means that the varieties often have different looks, taste different and grow differently to what you might be used to. It’s an expanding industry where so many people are now getting into gardening especially growing their own food since lockdown. 

She Grows Veg sell singular packets of seeds, but they also sell gift bags, like the two that were sent to us; Chilli Trio and Tomato Lover’s Bundle (£22.50). If you or your other half are gardeners, you’ll know that this is an excellent selection of seeds for someone who loves growing, especially growing and eating!

The Chilli Trio contains 3 different chilli seeds; Biquinho Red, Chocolate Habanero and Machu Pichu. On the back of each pack are the growing instructions and key facts, along with a QR code to find out more on a You Tube video. You can see from the photos on the packets what you’re getting, and helpfully, the instructions on the back tell you what kind of flavour each chilli is and how to use it. The Biquinho Red chillis are from Brazil and take a little longer to geminate but are worth it.  I’ve never grown chillis before but the instructions say to start sowing in January or February indoors, so these are perfect as Valentines gifts.

The Tomato Lover’s Bundle contain 5 packets of tomatoes, none of which I’ve ever seen before. There are three hanging varieties; Crazy Cherry (a sweet green tomato), Red Currant (small, early ripening and very sweet) and Hanging Prince (plum shaped and unusually last for months if stored correctly). The other two tomatoes are Black Beauty and Green Doctors, but of which are favourites of Lucy and Kate at She Grows Veg. Each of the gift bundles comes with a gift bag to keep your seeds safe but can also be used to store larger seeds later in the year. 

These are lovely gifts for Valentines and if you harvest the fruit right, they produce can go on for weeks in the summer. The fact that these seeds are heirloom and not easy to find anywhere else if at all, makes them all the more special as a gift.

Chilli Trio (£13): Lover’s Bundle (£22.50):

Ginsters Creamy Garlic Mushroom Slice

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

This one is especially for vegans!  Ginsters, famous for making the pasties we all love, have created a gorgeous Creamy Garlic Mushroom Slice with all vegan ingredients. Using their finely-honed knowledge of what makes a great pasty, Ginsters bring you this lunch, or snack that incorporates a garlic twist to give you that afternoon flavour.

Made with vegan puff pastry, the pasty contains chestnut mushrooms in a white wine sauce which is also vegan. The filling also contains coconut milk, garlic puree, potatoes, onions and a mix of herbs to give it that extra flavour.  I’m also told there’s a touch of lemon zest in there too, to compliment the mushroom flavour. At 170 grams, the Ginsters Creamy Garlic Mushroom Slices can be eaten as a snack, or even as a lunch, particularly if you’re adding a salad to it. Alternatively, there’s enough slice here to make a dinner if you add some vegetables to it too! It’s recommended that you eat it hot, probably oven baked, which I agree with because if eaten cold, it loses some of the extra flavours that the herbs and garlic bring to it.

Once heated, the aromas of the garlic and mushroom fill the room and you can see the generous white wine filling.  I enjoyed this as a lunch because it has such a hearty punch to it with the mushrooms and potato but the flavour of the garlic and herbs comes out too. The pastry is lovely and you wouldn’t know it was vegan because it’s so flakey and soft. There’s a real taste to the mushroom sauce from the white wine which comes through with the vegetables, and why it’s best that this Creamy Garlic Mushroom slice is eaten hot. Delicious!

Available from £1.95 at:

Walkers Meat and Cheesy Flavoured Vegan Crisps

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Britain is known for many things but did you know the flavours of our crisps is one of the things tourists go mad for? Walkers are probably the grand masters of this trend, with not only a huge array of flavours available on the market already but with limited edition flavours coming out all the time.

Walkers have released three new flavours, all of which are vegan AND limited edition, to enjoy in 2024; Vegan BBQ Pork Ribs, Vegan Grilled Cheese Toastie and Vegan Flame Grilled Steak.  How can meat flavours be vegan? Well it all has to do with the salts they use, which aren’t necessarily from the animal products any longer. Whether you’re doing Veganary or just like me, like different flavours to try, these new Walkers Crisps are worth a try.

We were sent a lovely selection of all the crisps, so I was able to pick which flavour took my mood! I started with the Vegan BBQ Pork Ribs crisp flavour, which is in the familiar 24 gram packet.  The crisps are usual Walkers quality, sharp and cracking when you bite into them but it’s the flavour that stands them apart from supermarket offerings.  The BBQ Pork Ribs crisps hit you with the BBQ flavouring first when you open the packet. The crisps have the BBQ flavour too, then as it dissolves in your mouth, the hearty pork flavour comes through.

Next up were the Walkers Flame Grilled Steak crisps. These are again strong, meat flavoured crisps and I really enjoyed the steak flavour coming through. These were probably my favourites out of all the crisps I chose because it’s not a taste you usually get with crisps, nor is it easy to get the taste with anything other than a flam grilled steak which you probably won’t be able to eat every day! As part of a lunch box or a snack in the afternoon, I thought these were a great way of making you feel full from the flavour, but not overindulging with the whole meal. They also work great with sandwiches because of the strength of these flavours.

Last were the Grilled Cheese Toastie flavoured crisps. If you’re a fan of cheese, then these are delicious! I like cheese toasties so I can see the flavour in these crisps because it’s not only the cheese but the slight toast taste comes through too.  They’re very cheesy though, with more of a mature cheddar taste to them.  I liked them too, and I realise that a lot of vegans won’t be able to compare the taste of the meat flavours with the real thing, so this is probably more appropriate to start with as a flavour if you’re a vegan or vegetarian. If you’ve converted from meat eating to vegetarian or vegan, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the range of flavour to the crisps as well as the depth of flavour.

I really enjoyed all the flavours of crisps but my favourite was the Flame Grilled Steak. Can’t beat a bit of flame grilled when you’re famished and Walkers Crisps in Flame Grilled Steak make the ultimate snack!

Available is varying sized packs from lots of retailers. See details here:

Blind Test of the LoveRaw Chocolate vs High Street Brands

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

We’ve never really done a proper Blind Test before. That is, officially comparing one brand of a product against another, without knowing which brand is which and not being able to tell them apart. So when LoveRaw Chocolate asked us to test and review their product against other brands, it was quite the coup!  Naturally, we love anything that’s a challenge but when it involves chocolate too, we’re all ears…

LoveRaw are a chocolate brand with a difference. They produce chocolate products which are largely vegan (allergens are listed so you can check easily) and they have a whole host of products available which seem to be ever growing and includes white, dark and milk chocolate alternatives.

We were sent a Blind Tasting Pack which had three different LoveRaw products; Nutty Choc Balls, Cream Wafer Bar (milk chocolate) and Cream Wafer Bar (white chocolate. Each of the LoveRaw products was teamed up with the High Street equivalent and all the items were in clear packaging, just marked with their numbers for easy identification.  The LoveRaw products are all plant based, contain no palm oil and have no artificials. The High Street versions are not any of those (ie not plant based, contain palm oil and have artificial ingredients.) A sealed black envelope was also included so that after the tasting you can find out which were the real LoveRaw items. How exciting!

First up was the Nutty Choc Balls.  Looking at them, I couldn’t tell the difference. They look incredibly similar and when I bit into them, the chocolate didn’t give me any clues as to which one was plant based. I guessed that A1 was the High Street variety only because it tasted slightly more processed. A2 had a smoother texture which led me to think it was made with more love.  We shall find out the answers at the end of the testing (even I haven’t opened the envelope yet!)

Second was the Cream Wafer Bar in Milk Chocolate.  These bars looked different. B1 looks like it’s intricately made by a machine in a factory and the bar is slightly longer. B2 is smoother, and the chocolate looks darker so I suspect that this is the LoveRaw one to look at.  Tasting them, B2 has a lighter texture to it and has more layers but the chocolate between the two tastes the same.  B1 has more additives, you can tell that from opening the packet and the smell of the chocolate is artificial.  In this testing, I think B2 is the LoveRaw product.

Finally, it’s the Cream Wafer Bar with White Chocolate.  I’m not a huge fan of white chocolate so this is going to a different type of test. C1 looks like it’s made in a factory because it’s got intricate designs on it whereas C2 looks like it could be handmade and dusted with chocolate flavouring. As for the taste, I started with what I thought was the High Street version (C1). It’s light and wafer-like and I like the texture of it. C2 is densely packed and doesn’t melt as easily but both taste of white chocolate and have some fun sweet flavours going on. I think C2 is the LoveRaw version.

So to recap, before we go to the big finale, this is what I think the products are:

Nutty Choc Balls: A1 is the High Street Competitor; A2 is LoveRaw

Cream Wafer Bar (milk chocolate): B1 is the High Street Competitor; B2 is LoveRaw

Cream Wafer Bar (white chocolate): C1 is the High Street Competitor, C2 is LoveRaw

Let’s scroll down to see the results in the black envelope…

So I was right for the Milk Chocolate Cream Wafer Bar but wrong for the Nutty Choc Balls and White Chocolate Cream Wafer Bar! Goes to prove that you really can’t tell the difference between LoveRaw and the High Street Competitors!

All of the LoveRaw products are found online at their website shop:

NEW Plant Based Range at Costa Coffee

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Whether you’re an old hand vegan or starting out on your vegan journey this January, Costa have a surprising amount of food items on their menu which are perfect for you. We were sent out to our local Costa Coffee to see what was available and check out the new items on the menu.

For 2024, there are their new Hot Milkshakes. In three flavours, White Chocolate and Strawberry, Salted Caramel Coffee, and Chocolate Hazel they are thick like a milkshake, but made with warm milk and topped with different flavoured sprinkles, dependant on what flavour you order. They’re a cross between a hot chocolate and a milkshake, especially with the Light Whip cream on top to make it extra indulgent.

We tried items from the Plant Based menu, including this Plant Based Saucy Chicken Fajita Wrap.  It doesn’t contain chicken at all; every ingredient is plant based, but the substitutes taste like chicken and even have a chicken-like texture.  They’re slightly lighter than the meat version though, with the ‘chicken’ pieces as you would imagine, a tortilla wrap, roasted peppers and a spicy tomato sauce.  We paired that with a beautiful Chocolate Tiffin Cake, which although it’s not plant-based, it is vegetarian.  If you’re not into chocolate for New Year, then there’s a new range of cakes (which are also vegetarian) such as new Banana Loaf Cake and new Orange and Raspberry Victoria Sponge.  Anyone who remembers the Lemon Drizzle Loaf Cake will be very pleased to see that it’s back on the menu and as delicious as always! 

Lastly, there are the assortment of Costa drinks. It sometimes feels like you could have a different drink every day of the month and still not try all of them in their different configurations of milks, toppings and additions but the staple drinks we all love are still there – namely coffee.  We tried a Salted Caramel Frappé which was made vegan with coconut milk instead of cow’s milk and the whipped cream on top was vegan too.  The drink is laced with Salted Caramel and topped with tiny caramel pieces which not only add to the flavour but add a gorgeous texture as well.  I found that the Chicken Fajita Wrap, Chocolate Tiffin and Salted Caramel Frappé were all very filling and no different to a meat-eating lunch I would normally choose. 

Costa Coffee Plant Based items are available in store and you can see their menu and prices here:

Quenched Drinks

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

This year I have decided to take part in Dry January and whilst we’re only a few days in I’m enjoying discovering lots of great new drinks like these delicious sodas from Quenched. New to the market and bursting with flavour, Quenched sodas are available in three lightly sparkling flavours, Lime & Soda, Orange & Soda and Blackcurrant & Soda.

All three are bursting with flavour and are more on the side of sparkling than fizzy, which allows the flavour to develop nicely in your mouth. The sodas all taste incredibly natural, the lime and orange ones are incredibly zingy and the blackcurrant one has a pleasant sharpness. My favourite of the three was the lime, it tasted so fruity and natural, whilst also being nice and refreshing.

All three drinks are 100% natural and have no additives, preservatives or artificial sweeteners and with less than 69 calories per 330ml can, they are a great choice if you have overindulged over the festive period and are now on a New Year diet!

I’m really impressed with these drinks and will definitely be buying them again. Once Dry January is over I think they will be the perfect accompaniment to gin!

A pack of 12 costs £14.99 and if you can’t decide which flavour to go for there is a multipack containing all three flavours. Available from Amazon or Quenched Drinks here.

Ava May Fairtrade Wax Melts

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Ava May of Mayfair have just released the first ever Fairtrade wax melts to the UK market, made from products cultivated in Sri Lanka and the result of 2 years’ work to produce some beautiful home fragrances.  Wax melts vary from candles because although they are made of ‘wax’ like candles, they don’t have a wick and are instead melted over a flame in a special wax burner.  The aroma from the wax melts fills the room and slowly melts away but has the advantage of lasting longer than a candle.

We were sent a box of 7 of Ava May’s most popular wax melts to try:

  • Lavender, Geranium & Chamomile
  • Bergamot, Coconut & Tonka
  • Rose Water & White Musk
  • Saffron, Pepper & Oud
  • Damask Rose, Cedar & Oud
  • Pear, Patchouli & Orange Blossom
  • Neroli, Eucalyptus & Musk

Each of the waxes lasts for about 8 hours and can be re-melted in that time so if you don’t get a continuous run of 8 hours, the wax solidifies and can be melted later. There’s no cleaning up after a candle either, but it is recommended that you clean out the wax burner after each fragrance so that you don’t get cross-contamination.

All of the ingredients of the Ava May wax melts are 100% natural, and certified Fairtrade meaning there is a fair deal for all the producers who supply from around the world. The Ava May products are cruelty-free and vegan too with one of the main ingredients being coconut oil with added pure essential oils to create the different scents.

The fragrances are all designed to help relax you and take you to another place at the end of the day, especially in winter when we all need a bit of help. The sensory impact of scents such as Damask Rose and Lavender & Chamomile help with relaxation when the evenings are long. My favourite (and I haven’t had a chance to sample them all yet) is the Rose Water & White Musk scent for its fresh melodies and reminder of clean laundry.  The wax melts take just a few seconds to start releasing the fragrances and filling the room and they linger on for longer than the 8 hours melt time.

Ava May of Mayfair Wax Melts are an elegant way of adding comfort to your home, or being able to gift to someone the ability to relax at home.

Available online in various gift forms from:

LoveRaw Advent Calendar 

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

LoveRaw have produced their first ever vegan advent calendar for 2023 on the back of their meteoric rise to chocolate heaven since 2013. LoveRaw have sent us one of their new advent calendars to review and the back story of how the LoveRaw team came about.

Back in 2013, Rini and Manar had what they called a ‘crazy idea’ to create vegan chocolate, but for it to also not taste vegan at all. This included using unconventional products (for the time) and trying to get the attention of lots of buyers. Along the past 10+ years, they have rejected Dragon’s Den offers, developed tons more products and probably become sick of the sight of chocolate to come to this point where they are able to sell vegan chocolate to the masses.

LoveRaw’s chocolate is made with no palm oil and no artificial ingredients. All of the base ingredients are plant based (such as chickpea protein concentrate) and are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. In fact, they say that it’s suitable for everyone, including ‘Unvegans’ who aren’t vegan at all but happy to eat something that has been produced in the vegan way.  Their chocolate contains sugar, but beyond that there are no other ingredients which you might want to. Stay away from. There’s a whole list of ingredients on the back that you’ll recognise.

The LoveRaw Advent Calendar is. The usual 24 windows we are familiar with hide medallions of LoveRaw vegan chocolate behind a foil covering which keeps them fresh as well as increasing the anticipation as you open them! LoveRaw isn’t aimed specifically at children, but the chocolate pieces are decorated with Christmas themes, just like the ones we had as children.  The pieces are only about the size of a 2 pence coin (3.3grams per piece) so there isn’t an indulgent amount that will spoil dinner but still gives you the chocolate hit. 

What was the chocolate like? I took it upon myself to try several pieces and I can confidently say that it does indeed taste like chocolate! The advent calendar is milk chocolate flavoured (we know there is no actual milk in it though) but the flavour is slightly more of a darker chocolate flavour, but not at all bitter. I think because there is added sugar, the LoveRaw chocolate tastes sweeter. There is no bitter aftertaste with it though, like some vegan chocolates have.

Whether for an adult or children, the LoveRaw advent calendar ticks all the boxes and no one will notice the difference between vegan and ‘unvegan’!

RRP £6.99