LipQ Liquorice Balm

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

July is Plastic Free month and the beauty industry is notorious for creating products with plastic packaging, and sometimes products which contain plastic too.  LipQ have created this beautiful Liquorice Balm which comes in its own tin and doesn’t have a scrap of plastic in sight.  Never heard of Liquorice Balm? Well, that’s because this novel idea is borne from a need to prevent cold sores.  Liquorice in highly concentrated quantities, as included in the LipQ Liquorice Balm, has been proven to protect lips from cold sore outbreaks by weakening the virus that causes them.

LipQ Liquorice Balm contains glycyrrhizic acid to fight cold sores. Even if you’ve not been prone to them though, the balm works for everyone, combining a sweet almond and beeswax oil with avocado and sunflower seed oils and the liquorice root extract gives the balm it’s distinct scent. It’s not too overpowering though so you can detect it but even if you don’t like liquorice to eat, it’s not too strong.  The balm is lovely and cooling though, and it keeps the moisture in on your lips whilst giving a shine and it really isn’t that greasy either. There’s not the sticky marks left on drinking glasses like with other balms but it does work to give you hydrated lips. The handy tine of 30 grams lasts ages too, and is much easier to carry around than other brands.

It doesn’t matter if you suffer from cold sores or not, the LipQ Lquorice Balm is a plastic-free beauty alternative for all summer long.

Available online from £9.95 at:

Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash from Clarol

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Some smart person somewhere in Russia discovered that birch is a great detoxifier and exfoliator for skin and can help prevent acne.  Clarol have used this information to bring out a new exfoliating wash that works in 4 different ways to clean, exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin. We were sent some to try this week, and I must say, the scent alone is enough to brighten your skin!

Birch bark is known to detoxify the skin but uses natural ingredients instead of salicylic acid and methyl salicylate so your skin won’t dry out.  We don’t use birch bark anywhere near enough but the botulin in it reduces inflammation and Lupeol and Erythrodiol help produce the proteins needed to speed up the healing process. If you’ve had long term acne like me, then you’ll know that healing is part of a long process.

Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash also contains MicroSilver, which has long been known for its antibacterial features. Brilliant for acne, it doesn’t irritate the skin either so you won’t ‘make it worse before it gets better’ like some over the counter products.  The exfoliating aspect of the wash takes away dead skin and helps clear pores allowing extracts of Bladderwrack and White Nettle to calm skin and Coffee Seed opens pores, which should help the extraction of oils and bacteria too. There’s tiny amounts of pumice stone and rice bran in there too, to add to the exfoliation.

This gentle exfoliator lathers up on wet skin and when massaged in, takes away a lot of the surface grease and dead skin.  You don’t need much of it to create the lather, and after 2-3 minutes, rinse with water (I like to use warm water) and your skin is cleared plus not as dry as with other brands of exfoliant washes. It’s also paraben free, vegan and perfume free too.

Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash from Clarol is a lovely gentle wash, perfect for summer and especially for skin that suffers from acne and especially lots of make-up and not enough time to clear it!

Available from £12.95 at:

Kora Organics Turmeric Brightening & Exfoliating Mask 2-In-1

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

As summer is here, there’s always a need for a more enhanced beauty regime and what better way to brighten up your skin than with a face mask.  Face mask that also exfoliate, like the Kora Organics Turmeric Brightening & Exfoliating Mask have the added benefit of allowing your skin products to absorb into the skin better, which also helps with summer make-up. I tested the Kora Organics Face Mask this week, knowing that I haven’t used a face mask in the winter and my skin needed some serious brightening!

Kora Organics was started by Miranda Kerr in 2009 under the belief that healthy skin is beautiful skin. Miranda and her team wanted to make a brand which was organic, cruelty-free and natural to detoxify and nourish your skin.  The Turmeric in Kora’s Brightening Mask has anti-inflammatory properties and also reduces pigmentation of the skin, which is often found in older women. There are other natural ingredients too, including aspen-barn and peppermint for their antibacterial properties, and papaya enzymes which clear pores.  There’s finely crushed amethyst creates the glow and the positivity of this popular crystal.

To use, it’s a gentle cream which is spread over the face, avoiding the eye areas. It’s best to massage into damp skin, so I used this in the bath and let myself soak for 15 minutes, but you can let it work in just 5 minutes. To remove, you can wash away but I liked the idea of the extra exfoliation of massaging away with finger tips or a damp cloth.

The smell of the turmeric is very powerful so if you’re not a fan of spices, you are in for a shock! The turmeric left a slight tingling on my skin but it was nothing like the sensation of a hot curry or burning so it soon went away. I assumed it was the ingredients which were working to clear away the dullness of my skin.  It’s very refreshing and doesn’t feel heavy on the skin while you let it sit and work.  I rather enjoyed the feeling of the exfoliating taking away the winter and allowing the summer to hit my skin, and it wasn’t drying at all so my usual face products glided on and absorbed beautifully.  I could feel that my skin was cleaner, clearer and it looked brighter and after just one application of 15 minutes, there were tiny improvements to some of the discolouration of my face through age.  Added bonus!

I’m very happy to continue using the Kora Organics Turmeric Brightening & Exfoliating Mask throughout the summer and seeing the long lasting effects of the Kora organic products.

Available from £47.00 for 100ml at: 

Valuxxo Skin Revive (AHA) Face Scrub Bio

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

The key to radiant, glowing skin is regular exfoliation and I find using a face scrub twice a week is the best way to remove all the dead skin cells, leaving my face not only smoother and clearer but more radiant too. I’m currently using the Skin Revive (AHA) Face Scrub Bio from Valuxxo which blends Alpha Hydroxy Acids with nourishing botanical oils to refine, brighten, and renew your complexion.

Enriched with Lactic and Salicylic acids, the face scrub encourages natural skin renewal, unclogs pores and helps keep skin clear and free from blemishes. The face scrub also contains mango butter which helps to keep skin hydrated too.

The scrub is applied to wet skin, you only need a small amount and massage it onto your face for between 30 to 60 seconds before rinsing off with warm water. The face scrub is in a handy 70ml tube and it is really easy to squeeze it out of the tube. The fine grains feel a little gritty when you’re massaging them into your skin, but they don’t feel too harsh or leave my skin feeling irritated afterwards.  

After the first use I was quite surprised to see the difference in my skin, there was a definite glow and my face felt incredibly smooth – just like it feels after you have been for a facial – but at a fraction of the cost! After using it twice a week for a month my skin is not only more radiant but it’s softer too and my pores are a lot less noticeable.

This is the first time I’ve tried a Valuxxo product and I’m really impressed, I can’t wait to try some of their other products now.

RRP £24 available from Valuxxo here

Bare Addiction Daily Defence Moisturiser SPF30

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Acne can be damaging to the self-esteem as well as the skin, even in the summer when UV damage can make skin worse, or when our lifestyles change and can play havoc with the condition of the skin. There’s no getting away from the acne though, it’s there for everyone to see.  Bare Addictions specialises in acne skincare, from serums and cleaners to the Daily Defence Moisturiser which we were sent to test. It may not be summer yet but you can still be prepared!

Formulated for teens and twenties who have the most acne-prone skin, the Daily Defence Moisturiser both protects and moisturises in the sun.  With an SPF30, that’s enough for daily life in the UK and may places in Europe (you’ll need something stronger in the summer and if you’re out in direct sunlight). The Bare Addictions Daily Defence Moisturiser protects against UV rays, shine and spots by targeting excess oil. There’s also the added advantage of protecting against blue light stress – blue light comes from appliances like laptops, tablets and phones which so many of us use daily for both work and home. 

Daily Defence Moisturiser SPF30 contains several active ingredients including Indian Ginseng Root extract which is for the protection against blue light stress, and Vitamin B3 to combat hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone.  The specialised UV filters give a level of protection against both UVA and UVB rays too.

The 50ml pump tube is easily carried in a handbag and won’t spill thanks to the pump design.  It’s very light weight and absorbs into the skin easily with a very light fragrance that is neither perfume nor medicinal and doesn’t linger long.  I felt that it was very hydrating whilst giving a matt finish when it dries. The directions say to put on 15 minutes before sun exposure, so either during the summer whilst you’re at home and moisturising for the day before you go out, or on holiday before a day in the sunshine, make sure you give your skin some time to absorb the Daily Defence Moisturiser.

It doesn’t matter if you have acne or not, this day moisturiser still works, but also has the added bonus of having UV protection, being easily absorbed and has SPF30.  The richness of the cream makes it super hydrating too, which is never a bad thing and as summer approaches we all need a bit of help!

Available from £14.95:

Grace & Stella Mother’s Day Pamper Gifts

Disclaimer: We received these products free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

Mothering Sunday or Mother’s Day as it is more commonly known, falls on the 4th Sunday of Lent, meaning the date varies each year and if you’re not careful it creeps up on you without you realising! With the increasingly busy lives that we all seem to lead now, and with many people watching the pennies, it’s good to know that there are plenty of affordable and easily accessible gift ideas that mum will love this Mother’s Day. Amazon is my go-to place for last minute gift ideas and I know my Mum will love this selection of pampering treats from beauty brand Grace & Stella.

Rainbow Bath Bomb £19.99

The rainbow clouds are the ultimate bath time treat, scented with lavender extract and packed with nourishing oils to help you relax and unwind. The simple white clouds aren’t very exciting at first glance but when dropped in a bath full of warm water they quickly explode into a riot of vibrant colours, creating a swirling rainbow that is quite mesmerizing to watch. The beautiful lavender fragrance is lovely and relaxing and when you get out of the bath your skin feels lovely and soft.

Lavender Foot Peel Mask (2 pairs) £20

Winner of the “Best Footcare Product” in the 2023 Marie Claire Sin Awards these foot masks are the ultimate treat for tired feet. After soaking your feet in warm water for 10 minutes put the foot booties on, securing with the supplied tape and then put on a pair of socks, which helps speed up the peeling process. They need to be left on for an hour – so the perfect opportunity to grab yourself a cup of tea and a good book and relax whilst the magical ingredients do their stuff. After an hour you remove the bootie and then wash your feet with soap and water. My feet felt incredibly soft afterwards and I found the lavender scent was very relaxing. The peeling starts in 5-7 days and it is recommended that you soak your feet for 10 minutes everyday to help loosed the skin. I found it quite satisfying peeling the dead skin off and I was really impressed with how soft it has left my feet. While the peeling process might not be for everyone, I would say that the end result is definitely worth it.

Eye Mask (24 pairs) £17.50

Eye masks are a popular choice to help reduce under eye puffiness, dark circles, and wrinkles. These eye masks are simple to use, adhere nicely to the skin and stay put for the 15-20 minutes recommended use. The unscented eye masks are ideal for a boost when you haven’t had enough sleep and need to look bright and alert or you can incorporate them into a pamper session and sit back whilst they do their magic. I found they have really reduced puffiness, especially after a late night and after using them I look a lot fresher.

Face Mask £20.95

The Dead Sea Mud Mask is infused with Shea Butter, Sunflower Oil, Aloe Vera Juice and draws impurities like dirt and oil out of your clogged pores to give a clearer  complexion. Applying the mask was nice and simple as the mud spreads easily and then you then leave it to dry for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.  It took a few minutes to remove but my skin felt lovely afterwards and I was I was really impressed with how fresh and clear my complexion looked.

Lavender Body Lotion £14.95

Containing a whopping 470ml this body lotion contains Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Aloe Vera and Rosehip Oil that moisturizes, nourishes and soothes skin. This body lotion smells amazing, the lavender fragrance is calming and relaxing, yet not overpowering and it lingers nicely on your skin, creating a relaxing spa-like atmosphere long after it has been applied. The lotion is smooth and creamy and absorbs easily without leaving a greasy residue. My skin felt instantly hydrated and is a great choice for everyday use.

I’m really impressed with the Grace & Stella products  and I am sure lots of mums would be delighted to receive a selection of pampering products this Mothers Day.

Available from Amazon

Olay Protect Gift Set

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Mother’s Day is a great excuse to buy Mum some luxury skincare and with the Olay Protect Gift Set, it’s not just the day cream, but a night cream and Vitamin C eye cream that’s included! This gorgeous box set contains Olay Retinol24 Night (50ml), Olay Niacinamide SPF30 Day (50ml) and Olay Vitamin C Eye Cream for Day (15ml), all in a pretty gift box.

Starting with the Olay Niacinamide SPF30 Day Cream, the hydrating, renewing, age defying cream works perfectly as day cream either under make up or just on its own, especially as it is SPF30. For British weather, it’s a must to both moisturise and have some sun protection as we’re not used to the high temperatures in the summer and like now, the biting cold and wind that the winter can bring. Your skin will love you for looking after it with a rich day moisturiser! Couple this with the Olay Vitamin B3 24 Eye Cream.  Packed with lots of vitamins to work for as long as possible, this eye cream hydrates the delicate area around the eyes and acts as a barrier too, to prevent free radical damage.

The final piece to the Olay puzzle is the Olay Retinol 24. This cream moisturises and smooths skin overnight using the powers of Retinol and helps give your skin that healthy glow.  It’s fragrance free too so you still wear a scent with it.  This is a lovely indulgence to put on at night as part of your bedtime routine because it feels so soft against the skin and gives you a luminous glow before bed and when your skin regenerates as you sleep.

Each of the creams are lightweight and don’t feel greasy at all. They’re fabulous on their own, but in combination and over time they work together to give your skin a continuous glow and make it feel hydrated and smooth.  They’re so light in fact that you can wear them under make up and it won’t matter but the vitamins help protect your skin when you’re out and about.

If Mum (or Nan!) love Olay, then this is the perfect gift for her. You know she’ll use it, love it and appreciate having it all together in one box set is a thoughtful gift for Mother’s Day.

And if you don’t give it? You could just keep it for yourself!

Available from £111.00 at:

Martha Hill Anti-Ageing All Day Crème Gel

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Martha Hills are one of the brands available from the Beauty Naturals team, the natural beauty company since 1980. Their extensive range of beauty items online covers everything beauty related, and this Anti-Aging All Day Crème Gel is no exception.

The new Anti-Ageing Crème Gel is new to the market, formulated with natural probiotics preBiulin FOS™ to protect and restore the skin’s natural microbiota barrier. What does that mean? Well it means that it protects the ‘good bacteria’ on the skin that is needed for your skin to be healthy and therefore keeps a balance that’s more favourable to clear, well-nourished skin.

It’s suitable for all skin types and not oil based so it absorbs in easily without a greasy shine. The Anti-Ageing All Day Crème Gel keeps your skin moist and nurtured all day to give a glowing complexion and the gel seals moisture in.  Along with the preBiulin FOS™ to protect the microbiota barrier, the All-Day Crème prevents wrinkles, protects from UV damage and acts as a buffer between pollutants and harsh chemicals. It also works wonderfully under make up to create a beautiful skin texture.  Over time, the crème will build up protection along with keeping moisturiser in to give you ongoing defence.

I have been using the Martha Hill Anti-Ageing All Day Crème Gel for a few weeks now. It’s not heavy at all, and keeps skin light and hydrated.  It works well under make up, and if you’re wearing it to bed or with exceptionally dry skin, you can still add a moisturiser over the top. It’s fragrance free too!

Available for £21.00 but currently on sale for £14.70 at:

Avon Advent Calendars

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own

We’re 12 days into December and I’m really enjoying opening the doors on these fantastic Avon advent calendars. December is always a crazy month and I usually find myself racing around trying to meet deadlines at work and getting ready for Christmas so it’s lovely to have an advent calendar that is packed full of treats. Whilst more expensive than a chocolate advent calendar, the products in these beauty advent calendars will certainly last a lot longer than the few seconds it takes to eat a piece of chocolate!  

I’ve used plenty of Avon products in the past so I’m familiar with this iconic brand and even though I’m an adult I must admit it’s quite exciting opening a door each morning to see what’s hiding behind it.  

The Self-Love Wellbeing Advent Calendar is a 12 day treasure trove containing all the products you need for a spot of head to toe pampering. With a nice mix of skincare and body care products it has felt like a daily indulgent treat and opening the doors has been the highlight of my day. I’m quite disappointed that it’s only a calendar with 12 days as I’ve loved all the products, especially the Planet Spa Sleep Ritual Pillow Mist which has been a godsend as I have been having difficulty sleeping recently. A couple of sprays on my pillow and I’m off to the land of nod in no time at all. The skincare products are giving my skin a real boost, I haven’t tried Avon’s skincare products before and I have to say that I’m really impressed! Not only are they lovely to use they’re also a lot cheaper than the brands I currently use I so I’ll definitely be switching to these in future.  

The calendar costs £35 and the contents are worth £81.75 so it’s well worth getting one whilst they are still in stock – you don’t just need to count down to Christmas why not use it to count down to the New Year or a birthday instead?

Self Love Wellbeing Advent Calendar contents:

• 1 x Anew Renewal Power Serum 10ml.
• 1 x Anew Renewal Power Serum 30ml.
• 1 x Anew Ultimate Night Cream 15ml.
• 1 x Planet Spa Radiance Ritual 50ml.
• 1 x Anew Lifting Dual Eye System.
• 1 x Restoring Cuticle Cream 15ml.
• 1 x Planet Spa Sleep Ritual Pillow Mist 100ml.
• 1 x Planet Spa Aromatherapy Beauty Sleep 30ml.
• 1 x Foot Works Clay Mask with Lavender 75ml.
• 1 x Anew Revitalising Micellar Water 50ml.

The other calendar I have been opening is the 24 Days of Beauty Advent calendar which costs £65 and the contents are worth a whopping £190.25. The majority of products are make up but there are a couple of skincare products to discover too, including the Anew Reversalist Day Cream, Anew Renewal Power Serum and Anew Renewal Power Eye Cream. I am in quite a rut with my make up so this calendar has given me the perfect opportunity to update my make up bag and try some new looks without breaking the bank. Trying products that I wouldn’t normally consider has actually been fun and after avoiding red nail varnish for years I’ve discovered that actually I do like it so will keep using Avon’s Power Stay gel Nail Enamel – The Red One.

Another new to me product I really like is the Blush Pearls which were hiding behind door number 1. They are perfect for giving my pale winter skin a gentle glow and are now a staple of my make up bag.

I’ve still 12 more days to go but in the days I’ve opened I’ve found a great mix of new products as well as a few old favourites and I’m looking forward to trying out the rest of the products over the next couple of weeks.

The 24 Days of Beauty Advent Calendar Contents:

• 1 x Anew Reversalist Day Cream 15ml.
• 1 x Lash Genius Multitask & Multiply Mascara in Blackest Black 10ml.
• 1 x Power Stay Liquid Lip in The Red One 6ml.
• 1 x Ultra Matte Lipstick in Marvellous Mocha.
• 1 x Power Stay Gel Shine in The Red One 10ml.
• 1 x Attraction for Her Eau de Parfum Purse Spray 10ml.
• 1 x Planet Spa The Sleep Ritual Pillow Mist 100ml.
• 1 x Hydramatic Matte Lipstick in Mauve.
• 1 x Blush Pearls in Warm 28g.
• 1 x Ultra Colour 60 Second Express Nail Enamel in Mauve It 10ml.
• 1 x Skin So Soft Original Dry Oil Spray 150ml.
• 1 x Bronze & Glow Bronzing Powder in Warm Glow 13.5g.
• 1 x Ultra Shimmer Lipstick in Spring Bling.
• 1 x Anew Revitalising Micellar Water 50ml.
• 1 x Glimmerstick Eyeliner in Brown Black.
• 1 x Anew Renewal Power Serum 30ml.
• 1 x Angled Precision Lip & Eye Brush.
• 1 x Glimmerstick Diamonds Eyeliner in Twilight Sparkle.
• 1 x Brow Boost Volume in Clear.
• 1 x Glimmerstick Lip Liner in Mystery Mauve.
• 1 x Anew Renewal Power Eye Cream 15ml.
• 1 x Exxtravert Extreme Volume Mascara in Blackest Black 9.5ml.
• 1 x Advance Techniques Absolute Nourishment Treatment Serum 30ml.
• 1 x All-Over Face Brush.

I know we’re half way through December now but these calendars are such great value and will make an ideal present for any makeup-obsessed or skincare enthusiast in your life.

Altruist Christmas Box

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

The cold weather always plays havoc with my skin, so I was really pleased to receive a lovely selection of skincare products from Altruist. The Christmas Box contains four fantastic products, chosen to offer round the year skincare and the products are beautifully packed in red shredded paper, making them look very festive.

Altruist products have been developed by consultant dermatologist and skin cancer surgeon Dr Andrew Birnie and whilst they are suitable for all skin types, they are especially suitable for sensitive skin.

Inside the box are the following products

• Altruist SPF 30 Face Fluid – 50ml
• Altruist Moisturising Fluid – 50ml
• Altruist Primer SPF 50 – 30ml
• Altruist Moisturising Body Lotion – 200ml

It can take a month to see improvements in your skin when you change your skincare routine and I’m pleased to say I am now seeing positive results – my skin feels more hydrated and now has a radiance that definitely wasn’t there before.  

The Moisturising Fluid contains 0.5% Hyaluronic Acid and is enriched with glycerin, urea and shea butter to enhance the skin’s natural moisturising factors. It can be used as a both a day and night cream offering plenty of hydration for my dry, sensitive skin.  The cream soaked into my skin without needing to rub too much and it felt instantly hydrating.

I always use a face cream with SPF protection no matter what time of year as even a sunny day in the winter or a cloudy day in the summer can have very damaging UVA & UVB rays. I spend a lot of time outdoors, so it is very important for my skincare products to have a SPF rating so was pleased to find that both the Face Fluid and the Primer are SPF rated. The SPF30 Face Fluid is nice and light and is easily applied on top of the Moisturising Fluid. Once applied it doesn’t feel greasy or sticky like some SPF creams tend to be and is perfect for everyday protection.  

The SPF50 Primer is a light cream which is applied before foundation, as well as offering protection from UVA and UVB rays. It absorbs into my skin nicely, creating a soft, hydrated canvas for my makeup which now seems to last for longer. 

The moisturising body lotion is a lovely rich consistency and is nice and easy to apply. The skin on my arms and legs is quite dry and this body lotion is very moisturising and smoothing and I have noticed that after using it morning and night for a month a persistent patch of dry skin on the back of my arm has cleared up too.

I am really pleased with the Altruist products, my skin is looking much better and is no longer dry and problematic.  The Christmas Gift Set is a lovely set and is bound to be well received by anyone finding it underneath the Christmas Tree this year.

Altruist also donate 40p for every box sold, to charities that support children with albinism so when buying the giftset you are also helping a good cause.

Aldi Lacura West Hollywood Eye Make-up and Brightening Concealer

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

If you’re popping into Aldi this Christmas to get all the party food, Christmas day meal and all the trimmings plus general festivities, then have a look at the Lacura beauty range by Aldi.  Every year they have something lovely and this year is no exception. We were given the West Hollywood Eye Make-Up set and Brightening Concealer to try our as part of their extensive range.  Are you feeling in the festive mood yet?

The West Hollywood Eye Make Up set is 16 shades of the gorgeous Natural Radiance range, with 8 of the shades a matt colour and finish and 8 highlighting shades to compliment them.  You don’t have to use the complimentary shade with each block, and you can mix and match them (I have already!) and create a whole new look but there’s enough range there to give you a whole host of choice.  From the base neutral colours which would suit various skin tones to more vibrant and sparkly golds and metallics, this pallet isn’t just for Christmas but for all year, and all day too. There’s a lovely Espresso dark charcoal colour which is great for smokey eyes, and teaming it up with either a shiny top colour like Glam or Auburn would give you great ‘party eyes’ or something more subtle like the shade Toasted would make it more of a day wear colour.  Whichever shades you like to use, there is plenty of choice and it glides on beautifully with little effort and doesn’t go sticky or rub off easily.

The Lacura Brightening Concealer, which is in the palest shade Lacura produce (yes, I am that pale!) is a rich concealer that needs a minimal amount to blend in. You can see from this test patch on my hand that the colour is deep and you don’t need much to give all the coverage. Depending on what you need to cover (such as under eyes, or maybe a scar) you only need the tiniest amount as it goes so far so quickly.  If you do use too much though, it has a tendency to be a tiny bit chalky so start small and build up layers if you need to. I don’t think you would need to though as it gives great coverage and don’t forget it’s just a concealer, not a foundation that give all over coverage. 

The West Hollywood Eye Set and Brightening Concealer aren’t on the Aldi website yet so they won’t be in stores for a while, but when they are, get them asap! The Lacura range often sells out early!

Purifide Skincare

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Rarely do you find skincare companies who pride themselves of creating products which are solely for preventing acne, and if like me you’ve been in that vortex of severe acne, antibiotics, dermatology and all of the medical world that involves skincare, then you’ll be very grateful that Purifide is out there and has some beautiful products on offer to help.

Purifide products help treat ailment such as acne, dry skin, discolouration, redness and the side effects of some medical treatments. We were sent Purifide Post-Breakout Serum and Purifide Power Patches for acne breakouts. Thankfully my acne days are mostly behind me now but it’s still worth having these on hand for when the inevitable happens!

The Purifide Power Patches are translucent patches, much like plasters [Band Aids] which go over a spot when it appears.  The technology behind the Power Patches shrinks the visible spot, protects it from the elements and sooths any redness away within 4 hours.  Putting these on before bed also has the advantage of preventing a spot from developing overnight, or limiting how far it gets before it become a bigger problem.  Power Patches contain Salicylic Acid, Centella Asiatica and Canadian Willowherb to help with all the symptoms of acne and reduce the redness and swelling we all hate.

Purifide Post-Breakout Serum reduces the damage caused by acne, which can be permanent on facial skin. This rich serum reduces dark marks, smooths skin texture and helps with skin tone overall. It’s very rich, and although it helps in the short term, a few months of using the serum will be more beneficial. It contains Bakuchiol and Niacinamide to help healing. In combination with the Purifide Power Patches and other products, your skin has a good chance of both healing and fighting off acne.

For more details, see the Purifide website:

Cetaphil Skincare

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

There are a host of different skincare brands and products on the market, all aimed at different ailments or even have different objectives that we find irresistible to choose.  Cetaphil are the sensitive skin experts, specialising in moisturisers for face and body plus cleansers which are all aimed at sensitive skin and the ailments around it.

We were sent a batch of different products including; Cetaphil Gently Clear Clarifying Blemish Cream Cleanser, Cetaphil Gentle Clear Mattifying Blemish Moisturiser, Cetaphil Pro Tinted Moisturiser Day Cream SPF30, Cetaphil Moisturising Night Cream for Redness Prone Skin and Cetaphil Gentle Clear Triple-Acton Blemish Serum. If that’s not a full medicine cupboard full of skincare, then I don’t know what is!

The Cetaphil Gently Clear Clarifying Blemish Cream Cleanser is just what it says it is – cleans the skin gently especially after make up and when you’ve been out in polluted air. It’s cool and easy to use with white tea and aloe vera to keep pores clean but not dry them out. Cetaphil Gentle Clear Mattifying Blemish Moisturiser contains Salicylic Acid to reduce the size and appearance of pores whilst still keeping the skin fresh and moisturised. It also contains prebiotics which help keep the bacteria on the skin in balance which is important for overall health. Cetaphil Pro Tinted Moisturiser Day Cream SPF30 is probably my favourite because it’s made for sensitive skin so is ever-so-light and absorbs beautifully.  The SPF 30 is a big help with day to day wear so you don’t have to think about going out in the British summer and wearing sunscreen on your face because you know that Cetaphil has the sun protection covered for you. The tinted nature of the moisturiser covers like a foundation, giving you a flawless complexion. 

Cetaphil Moisturising Night Cream for Redness Prone Skin is more of a specialist product, again designed for sensitive skin but skin which is already prone to redness due to allergies, acne or general dryness.  As a night cream, it’s slightly richer and takes a little while to absorb in, but also cools and calms skin thanks to the vitamin E, B3 and Pro-vitamin B5.  It’s cool and gentle which can sooth any skin type regardless of whether you are prone to redness or not. Finally, the Cetaphil Gentle Clear Triple-Acton Blemish Serum is another friend to sensitive skin especially skin which suffers from breakouts. The serum reduces post-acne scaring and sooths skin, helping it heal whilst also preventing breakouts with the added Prebiotics, PHA, BHA and succinic Acid.

In combination or as individual products, Cetaphil has you covered for all of your sensitive skin problems. Find out more here:

Cetaphil Daily Hydrating Moisturiser and Hydrating Night Cream 

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

We are all aware of the effects of hyaluronic Acid on our skin to give us glowing, tightened and hydrated appearance so the Dermatologically recommended brand Cetaphil is a lovely choice as a Christmas gift this year.

We were sent both the Daily Hydrating Moisturiser and Hydrating Night Cream this week. Both fight the 5 signs of skin sensitivity, don’t clog pores and are either fragrance free or have no added fragrances. 

The Cetaphil Daily Hydrating Moisturiser for sensitive skin boasts long lasting hydration that fights dryness, irritation, roughness and a weakened skin barrier.  It works for 24 hours, but can be added throughout the day. The handy 88ml size is great for handbags and as it’s under 100ml, it can be taken on a flight as hand luggage to keep skin hydrated and keep away the effects of jetlag and flight dehydration.  The cream itself is cool and fresh, absorbs easily and isn’t heavy at all.

Cetaphil Hydrating Night Cream is a heavier cream, designed to be absorbed into the skin during the night when the body repairs skin the most.  This 50ml tub protects skin from dryness for over 24 hours, so working in combination with the Daily Hydrating Moisturiser, it will enhance the effects of each other.  This cream is for normal to very dry skin, hence the richness. It’s still luxurious though, and you can feel the moisturiser seeping into your skin, and your fingers, as you apply it.

The combination of both the Daily Hydrating Moisturiser and Hydrating Night Cream give a lovely combination of daywear and nightwear creams that work together to give 24 hours of skincare. They’re so gentle on the skin as well that it’s hard not to keep them handy to just top up throughout the day to give you that silky feeling.  As we go into winter, this is a lovely gift for Christmas to anyone who appreciates the change in seasons but not the changes to their skin.

Daily Hydrating Moisturiser from £9.66:

Hydrating Night Cream from £14.50:

Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula

Disclaimer: We received these products free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

Last week my inbox was bombarded with Christmas gifts and whilst we’re only in September it does make sense to start shopping early as it means you can get gifts before they sell out it and it also helps spread the cost too.

I’m on a hunt for stocking fillers at the minute and when the Palmers Cocoa Butter moisturisers arrived I knew they would fit nicely in the stockings this year. Palmers are a natural cocoa butter and coconut oil skincare and haircare brand whose products are not only reasonably priced but are brilliant at caring for dry skin. I’ve used Palmers products for years as I have dry, eczema prone skin and the moisturisers really help care for my skin, leaving it lovely and soft and hydrated.  

The Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Daily Skin Therapy Body Lotion (RRP: £5.99 – 400ml) smells amazing and is gentle enough for sensitive skin. The pump action bottle makes it easy to dispense the lotion and it is easy to apply, absorbing effortlessly. It has really helped soothe the dry skin on my arms and legs after only a couple of applications.

When my skin is particularly bad I find a thicker product is best to help soothe the redness so the Palmer’s Original Solid Formula Jar (RRP: £7.49 – 200g) is perfect when my skin flares up. This is more of an intensive moisturiser and the balm is thicker and greasier than the lotion, but my dry skin just soaks it up and it does a brilliant job at keeping my skin soft and smooth and calming the redness. I let it warm in my hands first to make it easier to apply and find it is Incredibly soothing on my skin.

With a uniquely rich and creamy blend of Cocoa Butter, made from ethically and sustainably sourced cocoa beans, and Vitamin E these moisturisers are just what you need in the winter months to keep your skin hydrated and soft. As well as buying some for stocking fillers I will be treating myself too!

Oxygenetix Oxygenating Blemish Control SPF25

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

If you’re looking for a way to moisturise and at the same time a way of conditioning skin so that you don’t get blemishes, then Oxygenetix have a product which might be of help.

The Oxygenetix Blemish Control Moisturiser works as a foundation to create a smooth canvas of your skin whilst using Salicylic Acid to clear the skin.  As a product it has skin care benefits as well as making you look great and reducing the need for multiple products.

Most make-up products block the skin from ‘breathing’ but not allowing oxygen to the skin surface, upset the pH of the skin and can cause pores to be blocked when either too much make-up is used or is used frequently.  Oxygenetix products all contain Ceravitae™ which promotes collagen production. The aloe vera base also helps to calm, soothe and cool the skin and is the friend of those with sensitive skin.  Oxygenetix Blemish Control Moisturiser also has an SPF of 25 UVA/UVB to protect against the sun and prevent skin damage. 

How well does it work? The Oxygenetix Blemish Control Moisturiser is cool to the touch and glides on your skin beautifully. It’s very rich so takes a little while to absorb into your skin but once it does, it leave a lovely base for either a moisturiser to go on top, or for your make-up to be applied.  I found that the moisturising effect lasted all day, and my make-up didn’t slide off after a few hours. It left my skin very dewy and soft, which is a relief when I don’t get time to reapply my skincare throughout the day.

Oxygenetix Blemish Control Foundation is available from £90 at:

Palmers Coconut Oil Formula Collection

Disclaimer: We received these products free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

Dreaming of sunshine? July was incredibly wet and I’ve not seen much sunshine yet, so to get us in the holiday mood we’ve been using a selection of products from the Palmers Coconut Oil Formula Collection. I don’t know about you, but coconut scented products always remind me of summer holidays and as I’m not going anywhere exotic this summer these are the next best thing.

I’m sure you’ve heard of Palmers before but if not, they are a natural cocoa butter and coconut oil skincare and haircare brand who focus on delivering luxurious and naturally inspired products that are highly effective, affordable and featuring unique scents and textures, enabling all people with different skin and hair types to ehance their natural beauty.

The Coconut Oil Formula Moisture Boost Protein Pack (£2.99) is just what I needed to give my curls a much needed hydration boost I applied it after conditioner and left for 2-3 minutes before rinsing and as well as smelling amazing it worked wonders with my dry frizzy curls, leaving them shiny and bouncy and in tip top condition.

My skin tends to be quite dry so I was really pleased to be able to try the Coconut Oil Coconut Hydrate Daily Body Lotion (£6.49). The rich moisturiser contains green coffee bean extract which is known to be rich in antioxidants that help to improve the skins radiance, giving you that healthy looking summer gleam for up to 48 hours. The body lotion simply melted into my skin leaving it gently perfumed and feeling moisturised all day long.

One of my handbag essential is hand cream so the Coconut Oil Coconut Hydrate Hand Cream (£2.79) quickly found a place in my bag. This rich cream melted into my skin effortlessly leaving my hands hydrated instantly. With a beautiful scent this is a fantastic product and very reasonably priced – I am going to be stocking up on this!

In summer I wear sandals so need my feet to be in tip top condition, the Coconut Oil Formula Coconut Sugar Foot Scrub (£4.49) is just the thing for pampering your feet. With natural coconut sugar to exfoliate and buff away rough, callused skin the scrub has plenty of grains yet doesn’t feel scratchy, in fact I found it quite soothing to use. The coconut and peppermint fragrance is nice and  invigorating and after the first use my feet felt instantly smoother.

These are a great selection of products and if you’re watching the pennies at the minute are very purse friendly too.

RINGANA Summer Sunscreen and Light Legs

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Summer often brings a need for different, and new, beauty products. RINGANA have sent us these 3 skincare products which are imperative for summer sun life, whether it be in this heatwave we have at home, or to take away on holiday with you.

RINGANA is an Austrian company that prides itself on the natural ingredients it uses for its skincare, beauty and supplement products. Unlike other companies, RINGANA, founded in 1996, use fresh ingredients to make the products from scratch and ship out worldwide to 34 countries, including many which they post products to for free. You won’t find RINGANA in the department stores or High Street, only online where their products are vegan and free from preservatives and additives.

With that in mind, their products are unlike any makeup you’d typically buy. We were sent three summer products to try, the RINGANA Fresh Sunscreen Medium SPF 20 (for medium sun days), RINGANA Fresh Sunscreen Face SPV 15 (face moisturiser for every day) and the delicious RINGANA Fresh Light Legs.

Starting with the RINGANA Fresh Light Legs, I didn’t know what it was so had to look it up on the website to find out what it was used for. Light Legs are for when your legs (or feet) are tired in the summer and need some rejuvenation.  Think about walking around on holiday, in the heat, probably wearing shoes which are totally inappropriate for the weather and terrain.  RINGANA Light Legs is for just this purpose!  I sprayed some on my calf as a test to see what it was like. The light spray sits on the skin and you rub it in slowly so that it penetrates into the muscle.  The feeling on your skin is a slight tingling as the ingredients work away to “pep up” your limbs.  Looking at the ingredients, it includes magnesium, which is a known topical tonic for tired muscles and is absorbed through the skin easily.  The fragrance is that of summer citrus, which also acts to boost your mood as you wear it.  The effect of the Light Legs was to keep my legs (I eventually used it all over) fresh and tingly, giving me some extra energy in the long run, relaxed my leg muscles.

The RINGANA Fresh Sunscreen Face SPF 15 can be used in summer but with the SPF protection it can be used all year round too as your daily face moisturiser. Made with natural plant oils and fragrance free, it protects against UV rays, antioxidants and blue light.  The breezy formula is designed for sensitive skin and is COSMOS certified, leaving your skin matt and smooth.  I like this formula because it’s so light on your skin but gives you all-round protection and is easy to wear under make up, as well as on its own. My skin was super hydrated but not greasy and stayed that way throughout the day.

The final RINGANA product we tried was the Fresh Sunscreen Medium SPF 20. This product can be used daily, but is more for occasions such as holidays or being outside for long periods of time. It’s waterproof and nano-free and relies on the natural mineral that is zinc oxide as a sun protection filter. 

The formula is perfume free, except for the ‘fresh’ smell of the natural ingredients as you apply it, and absorbs with a little effort leaving no film on the skin.  It’s nice and rich but also cooling and leaves skin moisturised.  I like this Fresh Sunscreen Medium because it doesn’t smell of the synthetic sun creams you get in the pharmacy.

All of the RINGANA products feel so soft and luxurious as they are made with fresh ingredients and not kept in unfavourable conditions for months on end.  The whole range of products are designed for everyday living, and summer especially is a great time to start using them.  You won’t find many places that make your skin products with fresh, fragrance free, artificial ingredient free and vegan like RINGANA.

RINGANA Fresh Sunscreen Medium SPF 20 (£38.45)

 RINGANA Fresh Sunscreen Face SPF 15 (£27.75)

RINGANA Fresh Light Legs (£23.93)

Lova Skin Instant Foot Peel Essential Kit Black Edition

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

A foot care set probably isn’t the first thing you think of when it comes to Father’s Day gifts but it’s an incredibly practical present especially for Dad’s that are on their feet all day. Long periods of standing and walking as well as badly fitting shoes can cause hard skin to form and if the men in your life are like the ones in mine, foot care and beauty products aren’t something they even think about!

My husband is diabetic, so it is important that he looks after his feet, he’s not the sort to go to a salon for a pedicure so The Lovaskin Instant Foot Peel Essential Kit Black Edition is perfect for him, it contains everything you need to transform feet from rough and dry to silky soft in under 2 minutes.

The kit contains

  • 1 Instant Foot Peel spray bottle 75 ml Black Edition – 25 applications 
  • 1 professional double-sided stainless steel foot file.
  • 1 organic cotton pouch.

The kit is simple to use and there is no need to soak feet first as the product is used on clean, dry feet. Spray the Foot Peel spray 7 times per foot – on the heel, sides of the foot and toes. Once the foot is completely covered leave it for 60 seconds (no touching) and then massage the dry skin off using your fingers. Once you have done that then you can use the rough side of the foot file to remove excess dead skin and then flip the file over and finish off with the fine side. Once you have filed your feet all that is left to do is rinse them and see the difference it has made to your feet.

I thought the spray was incredibly effective and a quick and easy way to treat your feet. The process is very straightforward and so easy to do and the fact that my husband has been finding the time to time to use it shows how good it is! This set makes a great Father’s Day gift and goes well with the traditional socks!!

RRP £59.90 (enough for 25 applications – which is much cheaper than going to the salon for a pedicure)

Annabelle Minerals Serums

Disclaimer: we received these products free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own

I have reached the age when looking after my skin has become a lot more important. Since hitting the perimenopause my skin is drier and the fine lines and wrinkles are becoming more and more noticeable so I was really pleased to be given the opportunity to try a selection of serums from the new skincare range from Annabelle Minerals

Facial serums are an essential step in any skin care routine, they are lightweight and easily absorbed and offer concentrated key ingredients. Annabelle Minerals have three serums – Glow Juice (20% Vitamin C) Repair Juice (0.3% Retinol) and Clarity Juice (5% Niacinamide) and the serums are designed to work alongside moisturiser. Used twice a day they will make a noticeable difference to how the skin looks and feels.

It takes around 4-6 weeks to start seeing benefits from new skincare products so with three serums to try I decided the best way to test them was to use each serum on a different part of my face. It’s been 6 weeks since I started using them and I am amazed at the difference they have made to my skin.

The Glow Juice Serum is my favourite of the three, after a couple of weeks the fine lines around my eyes were noticeably softened and as the weeks went on they continued to fade. This was a very pleasing result and it was also good to see that my skin is looking brighter too.

The Clarity Juice provides nourishment to my skin and it has really helped with the visible pores on my forehead, it has minimised their appearance and I am hoping with continued use I will continue to see an improvement.

The Repair Juice contains retinol which is a real wonder product. It stimulates skin renewal processes, improves elasticity, reduces the visibility of pores, evens out skin tone and texture, and reduces inflammation. Anyone new to using retinol should start by applying the serum twice a week to build tolerance, gradually increasing application to daily. I have been using this at night and my skin is clearer and the fine lines at the corner of my mouth are becoming less noticeable. I also noticed that my skin looks and feels smoother.

Annabelle Minerals products are 100% organic and it’s good to know that as well as doing a great job fighting the visible signs of aging these serums are good for your skin too. The silky serums are a very effective addition to my daily beauty regime and I was surprised to discover that they are only £27.90/bottle – a lot cheaper than other serums I have tried and much more effective.

If you want to read more about Annabelle Minerals products you can read our review of the lip and eye pencils here

Kalme Day Defence Beauty Cream

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

As the weather becomes sunnier, and the central heating is turned off, now is a good time to invest in a quality day cream especially one with a high SFP!

Kalme’s Day Defence has a SPF 25 and ingredients which help reduce redness. So no matter whether your skin is naturally rosy, or even if you have slight sunburn from the summer rays, Kalme Day Defence cream helps even out the tone of your skin and rejuvenate it with 24 hour moisturisation.

This super rich cream can be worn by anyone at any age thanks to its fragrance-free formula and ability to repair.  Perfectly designed for dry skin and those who are sensitive, it contains pure zinc oxide and can be worn under make up.  It’s designed for the face in the daytime but can also be used on hands (it’s absorbed pretty easily on face or on hands) and creates a moisture barrier to help protect with antioxidants. The fatty acids and added vitamins also help protect the skin and leave your face supple and hydrated.

We loved this 50ml size as it fits in your handbag or can be taken on holiday easily, and as it works on hands (and feet!) it solves various problem areas. It’s super rich, and very indulgent so you won’t need to take both a face cream and a body moisturiser with you on holiday. The SPF 25 is high enough for most European destination for daytime wear, but you can always top up as the smallest amount is all that’s needed. We shall be trying out the anti-redness claim in the summer when the sun gets higher and we’ll be on holiday, but for the time being, the Kalme Day Defence cream works a treat on tired, winter beaten skin.

Costs £21.95 from:


Disclaimer: we received these products free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own

I have suffered from eczema most of my life and it is especially bad on my arms and feet. I have tried many different products over the years with varying results so when Balmonds sent me a couple of products to try I was keen to see if they would make a difference.

The company was set up by Natalie Balmond, who struggled to find natural products to control her daughter’s eczema prone skin. She began experimenting in her kitchen and the balm she created worked so well that she ended up creating Balmonds  who now create a range of natural skincare for people prone to allergies and eczema and those with dry and sensitive skin. 

I received the Skin Salvation, Scalp Oil and the Daily Moisturising Cream and I am really impressed with all three products.  My favourite of the three is the Skin Salvation ointment, this is such an amazing product, my skin felt instantly calmer after applying it and it really helped soothe the itchiness of my eczema.  The 100% natural hemp & beeswax balm comes in a handy little jar that is perfect to pop in your handbag. The balm is solid in the jar but soft enough to easily scoop out and it quickly melts in your hand enabling you to apply it wherever you need it. I have been using it every evening and saw an improvement after only a couple of days, the redness has reduced and my  skin feels much softer. It’s quite a versatile product and is great for soothing chapped lips and dry elbows too.

RRP from £7.99 for a 30ml jar

The Daily Moisturising Cream simply melts into my skin without leaving it feeling greasy. It is a nice consistency not too runny or heavy and it was easy to apply. You don’t need to use a lot and it can be used on the whole body so is a great multi purpose product. I noticed an improvement with my dry skin on my arms within a couple of days of using it. The cream is fragrance free which is perfect for those with sensitive skin. The cream contains shea butter and hemp seed oil and it really is a delight to use, my skin now feels lovely and soft and hydrated. It’s also Vegan friendly too.

RRP from £14.99 for 100ml

My husband tends to get an itchy scalp and dandruff so I asked him to try the Scalp Oil which contains  rosemary and tea tree essential oils and is 100% natural. He has been applying it at night and washing it out in the morning and it has made a huge difference to his scalp. He was quite sceptical about trying it but has said the itching has stopped and after a couple of applications has noticed that his dandruff has improved. He’s going to keep using it which for someone who doesn’t tend to use anything other than the basics is high praise indeed!

RRP £14.99

If you are looking for natural skincare products then Balmonds need to be at the top of your list. I am really impressed with these products and I am going to have a look at some of their other products which I am confident will be just as effective as these are.

Purifide Skincare Products

DIsclaimer: We received these products free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own

When I was a teenager I didn’t really get that many spots and skincare wasn’t something I really thought about. As I got older and started to see the first fine lines and wrinkles appear I began to take more of an interest but never quite managed to get into a regular routine, only applying face cream when I remembered – which wasn’t every day. I recently started suffering breakouts due to hormonal changes caused by the perimenopause so the arrival of a parcel of Purifide skincare products was very welcome indeed.

Acnecide make skincare products for acne and blemish-prone skin and the Purifide range is inspired by the latest dermatology science and expert approaches in acne treatments and clear skin skincare. The products in the Purifide range are:

pH Control Cleansing Face Wash – used 2x a day this product helps to maintain skin pH and reduces bacteria which can help to prevent breakouts. It foams nicely leaving my face feeling lovely and clean.

Blackhead Control Deep Exfoliating Cleanser – containing 2% Salicylic Acid. This gentle cleanser cleanses and exfoliates, helping to unclog pores and prevent spots. It is a nice texture, not too harsh on my skin and leaves my face lovely and soft.

Oil Control Mattifying Moisturiser – with a matte finish it offers long lasting hydration and helps to keep skin hydrated and clear.

Daily Cleanser – a mild soap free face wash specifically formulated to gently cleanse sensitive spot prone skin. Containing Glycerin, Liquorice Root Extract and Zinc this foaming cleanser reduces oil and shine, leaving my skin nice and clean and soft.

Daily Moisturiser with SPF30 – this lightweight non-greasy moisturiser is suitable for all skin types and hydrates and protects the skin.

Microbiome Equalizer – with a light, non greasy formula this cream hydrates the skin, it absorbs quickly leaving my skin nicely hydrated.

The products are designed for use by all ages and were just what I needed to get my skin under control again. It takes about a month to see results from a new skincare product and after 6 weeks I am starting to see a big difference in my skin which is now clearer and spot free.

Available from Boots, Superdrug, Amazon, Asos, Look Fantastic, Just My Look and Tesco

Hada Labo Day Cream-in-Milk Moisturiser

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Hada Labo is Japan’s Number 1 skin care line, which although being available from Superdrug in the UK, it isn’t very well known here. It is remarkably cheap though for such a good quality product as I discovered when I tested the Hada Labo Day Cream-In-Milk.

The product gets it’s name from the milky essence of the moisturiser, delivered in a pump to make it easier to carry and travel with.  It contains 5 types of hyaluronic acid, which is not only the newest type of skincare ingredient but is very fashionable at the moment, found in a lot of the high-end skincare products available on the market. Hada Labo’s Day Cream-In-Milk works on different layers of the skin to provide moisture, filling and wrinkle-smoothing throughout the day. 

Best used in the morning, it is best to pat the cream into the face and neck area rather than rubbing it in, which can damage the structure of the moisturiser and doesn’t particularly help repair the skin.  You can then apply make-up on top of the Day Cream but Hada Labo suggests using their Premium Lotion Super Deep Hydrator and night cream.  As it’s a rich moisturiser, it is particularly good for lifeless skin that might be dehydrated. Anyone living in the UK at the moment probably has dehydrated skin, thanks to the cold weather and the need for central heating this time of year!

Using the cream in the mornings after my shower, the fragrance-free Day Cream-In-Milk blends into your skin beautifully, although it is quite rich. I can see why it has the moniker ‘In-milk’ because it does have that slightly rich texture of milk but it does blend in easily.  I could see that at first, it left my skin quite dewy then as it absorbed and dries, it leaves a base moisturiser which is great for applying make-up over the top.  It certainly as a filling effect on the fine lines on my face too.

For the price, this is a remarkably good day cream, with all the ingredients you find in the top day creams available today and with a lovely texture to boot, too.

Available from Superdrug from £15.33:

Hada Labo Tokyo Anti-Aging Skincare

Disclaimer: We received these products free of charge for the purpose of this review but all thoughts and opinions are our own

As a #perimenopausal 40 something woman I have reached the age when fine lines and wrinkles are becoming more prominent so when I received a parcel of @hadalabotokyo_uk products to try it really felt like Christmas had come early for me.

The anti-ageing range from Hada Labo,  the best selling and award winning Japanese skincare brand, is specially formulated to help rehydrate, rejuvenate and restore bounce and elasticity to your skin and also targets fine lines and wrinkles, so everything I need in a skincare product – the big question is do they work……………I can honestly say YES they do!

The range consists of the following items

Anti-Aging Super Hydrator RRP £17.45

Anti-Aging Wrinkle Reducer Day Cream RRP £18.45

Deep Wrinkle Corrector Eye & Mouth Area Cream RRP £16.95

Special Repair Treatment Night Cream  RRP £19.99

Anti-Aging Facial Sheet Mask RRP £2.99

It’s been a month since I started using them and I was amazed just how quickly I noticed a difference in my skin. The Anti-Aging Super Hydrator is applied by simply patting on to skin after cleansing and before applying moisturiser. Containing super Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen and Retinol your skin really will thank you for this hydration boost.

The Deep Wrinkle Corrector Eye & Mouth Area Cream is used morning and night and patted around the eye and mouth area. I have a lot of fine lines, especially around my eyes and applying the cream twice a day has really helped improves the fine lines and made them less noticeable.

The day and night creams are lovely and rich and have a gentle fragrance. They simply melt into my skin and don’t feel greasy at all. My skin feels a lot more hydrated and is definitely more radiant.

The sheet mask is perfect to use when relaxing in the bath. When you tear open the packet and remove the mask, it is folded up and saturated with serum and you simply line the eye,nose and mouth holes up with your face and press it to your skin and then leave it to do it’s magic for the recommended 15 minutes. It leaves you with a glowing complexion at the fraction of the cost of a facial!

These skincare products look and feel a lot more expensive than they are and with their eye catching red packaging they look very Christmassy and are just the thing to keep your skin hydrated this winter.

Available from Superdrug