Clearspring Japanese Condiments

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Clearspring produce authentic Japanese fine foods and have recently added five new condiments to its offering: Organic Shichimi, Organic Irigoma Whole Sesame and Black Sesame, and Organic Gomashio Whole Sesame and Black Sesame flavour. Of course, we were eager to try them ourselves so the team sent over a batch of them, including some gluten free Soba noodles and Brown Rice noodles to make a proper meal of it!

The box of treats also included some recipe cards, so I had a go at making Zaru Soba with cold dipping broth.  Using the Buckwheat Soba Noodles, Clearspring Organic Irigoma Sesame Seeds, Shichimi Togarashi Seven Spices and Clearspring Sushi Nori and Clearspring Organic Instant Noodle Broth Tsuyu (both not shown) I got to making the quick lunchtime recipe. All it took was boiling the noodles as instructed on the pack, diluting the noodle broth and adding the sesame seeds and the sushi nori with some radish and spring onion. Literally just 10 minutes and you have a lunch, or snack, which you can add to chicken, beef or any other main dish. The noodles themselves were a lovely meal though and I’d happily have them as a snack too.

The different types of sesame seeds can be used for sushi, rice, noodles, salads or tofu. All of the condiments featured here are staples in Japanese kitchens, so why haven’t we seen them before? Clearspring are bringing us these new flavours, and textures, to your cooking to make a difference to every day meals or helping you try something new – have you ever made your own sushi before?  

One example is Shichimi, or Seven Spices.  Containing chilli, citrus notes and complex umami rich flavours of nori and sesame, it’s quintessentially Japanese but also flavoursome enough that you can use it anywhere. This was a great addition to the Soba noodles I made, but actually, it goes well with meats too and I found it to be a lovely addition to salads. It’s ready made with all the mix of flavours so you can add it straight from the bottle with no thinking. Like all the Clearspring ingredients, it’s organic too.

You’ll also find similar uses for the different types of sesame seeds which were included in the pack sent to us; Gomashio and Irigoma in both toasted black and whole sesame seeds.  These are traditionally used in noodles and some are used in sushi and tofu too but mixed with sea salt, they give a different flavour to any dish. Try mixing it in rice to give a different blend, or adding to sushi too.  The noodles are a great cupboard stash for you to go to whenever you need a quick meal, and the Clearspring condiments are your secret power to be able to add an extra flavour element to not only Japanese meals, but to any meals you make.

Which Clearspring flavour are you going to experiment with this spring?

Available online from £3.99 at:

Smorgasbowl Recipe Book by Caryn Carruthers

Disclaimer – We received this item for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Recipes and techniques for creating satisfying meals with endless variation

Are you stuck in a meal rut? Creating not only the same meals all the time but the same type of meals? Well I’ve bet you’ve never heard of Smorgasbowl! The concept of Smorgasbowl is based on the concept that one bowl can contain a mix of a variety of foods, all in one bowl, but with the added benefit of including only the foodstuff you choose to add – much like creating a salad from only your favourite foods.

Author Caryn Carruthers explains that unlike eating from a flat plate, which usually means eating just one food group at a time, the smorgasbowl concept mixes up layers of food, and textures so that you are thinking about how each mouthful works each quality together.  As all the ingredients are generally fresh vegetables and meat, you also know that they are all fresh and there are no hidden elements, like gluten for example. It also cuts down on cooking time as you can prepare all the elements in one weekend, to be blended throughout the week for different meals!

The recipe book starts by explaining the Four Pillars of a balanced smorgasbowl, and different flavours which can be added. Texture is very important too, as is the types of food groups such as fats, fibre and protein, all of which should be included in the meals. 

The book includes recipes, or examples as Caryn calls them, to include samples of Breakfast Bowls, Soups and Salads, Entrée Bowls and a section on Sauces.

The book has a wealth of suggestions of different ingredients as well as combinations, but especially the sauces which Caryn includes to add variety to her meals.

For anyone bored with their recipes and looking for a whole new, but incredibly easy way of feeding the family, Smorgasbowl is an excellent addition to any kitchen!

Available on Amazon from £21: