Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash from Clarol

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Some smart person somewhere in Russia discovered that birch is a great detoxifier and exfoliator for skin and can help prevent acne.  Clarol have used this information to bring out a new exfoliating wash that works in 4 different ways to clean, exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin. We were sent some to try this week, and I must say, the scent alone is enough to brighten your skin!

Birch bark is known to detoxify the skin but uses natural ingredients instead of salicylic acid and methyl salicylate so your skin won’t dry out.  We don’t use birch bark anywhere near enough but the botulin in it reduces inflammation and Lupeol and Erythrodiol help produce the proteins needed to speed up the healing process. If you’ve had long term acne like me, then you’ll know that healing is part of a long process.

Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash also contains MicroSilver, which has long been known for its antibacterial features. Brilliant for acne, it doesn’t irritate the skin either so you won’t ‘make it worse before it gets better’ like some over the counter products.  The exfoliating aspect of the wash takes away dead skin and helps clear pores allowing extracts of Bladderwrack and White Nettle to calm skin and Coffee Seed opens pores, which should help the extraction of oils and bacteria too. There’s tiny amounts of pumice stone and rice bran in there too, to add to the exfoliation.

This gentle exfoliator lathers up on wet skin and when massaged in, takes away a lot of the surface grease and dead skin.  You don’t need much of it to create the lather, and after 2-3 minutes, rinse with water (I like to use warm water) and your skin is cleared plus not as dry as with other brands of exfoliant washes. It’s also paraben free, vegan and perfume free too.

Silver & Birch Exfoliating Wash from Clarol is a lovely gentle wash, perfect for summer and especially for skin that suffers from acne and especially lots of make-up and not enough time to clear it!

Available from £12.95 at:

REN Ready Steady Glow Daily AHA Tonic

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

Sun exposure, sand, and salty water tends to leave my skin very dehydrated, so toner is an essential stage in my skincare routine, especially when I am on holiday.  I love REN skincare products so was really pleased to receive a bottle of their Ready Steady Glow Daily AHA Tonic which not only gives my skin a healthy glow but also gives it the hydration boost it craves.

Delivering multiple benefits in just one step, this refreshing toner not only helps to eliminate dead skin cells, but it exfoliates it too, leaving skin looking brighter. The toner is gentle enough to use every day and the energising formula helps to smooth skin, even out skin tone and visibly tighten pores as well as minimising the appearance of fine lines and pigmentation.

I have been sweeping it across my face with a bamboo pad after cleansing and as well as removing the last traces of make up from my skin it adds a layer of weightless moisture, giving my skin the hydration boost it craves.  The toner not only smells divine but is gentle on my skin leaving it feeling refreshed and revitalised. It has really improved the condition of my skin; it now feels more hydrated and the pores on my forehead are definitely a lot less noticeable. The toner also helps prime my skin meaning my serum and moisturiser absorb better and I am finding I need less moisturiser as my skin is a lot more hydrated. After a couple of weeks used my skin not only looks more radiant but healthier too.

As well as using it as part of my skincare routine I think it will be perfect for freshening up my skin after a day at the beach and I will be packing it in my suitcase when I go on holiday this summer.

Highly recommended!

250ml RRP £30