Haier Multi Air Fryer Series 5

Disclaimer: We received this product free of charge for the purpose of this review and all thoughts and opinions are our own.

Haier are well known for their large kitchen appliances but did you know they now have a range of small appliances? This new range consists of 7 small appliances – a kettle, air fryer, blender, hand blender, compact food processor, toaster and a multi functional hot drink maker. They recently sent me their new air fryer and much to the delight of my family I have been creating some mouthwatering culinary masterpieces that they have all enjoyed.

Air fryers have certainly taken the world by storm, revolutionising the way we cook and saving both time and money in the process.  As a busy working Mum anything that saves me time is a real winner, so with 9 different functions – air fry, bake, roast, grill, defrost, reheat, slow cook and a yogurt and dried fruits option I was keen to see just what the new Haier Multi Air Fryer Series 5 was capable of.

The air fryer measures approximately 30cm wide, 35cm high and a depth (including handle) of 435cm). The oven has a removable basket to put your food in and a touch screen display to set your temperature and cooking time. The crisper basket inside the drawer allows air to circulate around the food ensuring even cooking and it also allows excess fat and oils to drain away. There’s even an integrated window and LED light to allow you to check on your food meaning you don’t need to open it up when cooking and using this air fryer also helps save up to 70% energy, 50% time and 90% calories.

The air fryer comes with a selection of accessories, a rack that allows you to add an extra layer of food, a shallow tin and a deep tin, these all fit nicely in the basket when not in use. The air fryer has a range of temperature between 40° and 200° meaning you can cook a wide variety of foods using the slow cooking, baking or even the yogurt setting.  

Whilst the air fryer can be used in many ways, I decided to start with something simple – chips. After peeling some potatoes and cutting them into chunky chips I mixed them in a tiny bit of oil before placing them in the basket. It recommends shaking the basket a couple of times during cooking to help crisp them up and after 18 minutes I had the best home made chips I’ve ever made. The chips were a beautiful golden colour with nice crispy edges and were instantly devoured by my family! The whole process was so quick and easy and after only a day I was beginning to wonder why I hadn’t bought one before!

I love croissants and even if I had time I couldn’t justify warming up the oven for a couple of croissants so I’m loving the air fryer, pre-baked croissants and Danish pastries are warmed in just a four minutes and are a great start to my day. My sons are loving that they can cook sausages and bacon for breakfast, I’m pleased too as my kitchen is a lot cleaner as like most teenage boys they don’t see the fat splatters on the cooker! When you cook fattier food in the basket the grease drains through the basket so as well as being a lot less messy it’s much a healthier way of cooking too.

It’s great for making quick toasties or cooking fishfingers for a late night snack and we have also found a new love of herb and onion roast potatoes, they are so easy to make and taste amazing. The air fryer is so easy to use and my teens love it as they can now cook a quick snack when they get in and as it turns itself off automatically I don’t need to worry about the electric bill when they’ve forgotten to turn it off!

Cleaning the airfryer is simple, the non-stick baskets and accessories can all go in the dishwasher making it perfect for busy families.

The Haier Multi Air Fryer Series 5 is undoubtedly an incredibly versatile addition to any kitchen, the range of functions make it an excellent choice for busy households. It won’t replace my oven, but it is a very welcome addition to my kitchen, cutting down the number of times I use the oven and ultimately saving me money. All too often kitchen gadgets get used a few times before collecting dust on the worktop but I can guarantee that won’t happen with this – it’s one gadget that has certainly earned its place on our worktop!

RRP £229.99

Available from

Vortx 6L Colour Air Fryer by Tower

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

I have wanted to try an air fryer for ages, having heard a lot about them and seen on Instagram what they can do.  Why would I want an air fryer though when I have a perfectly good electric fan assisted oven?  Without trying one, I wasn’t going to find out if this would be an easier and perhaps cheaper way of cooking, so when the Tower 6 Litre Vortx Air Fryer arrived, I wasted no time checking it out!

The website gives a lot of information about air fryers in general and how they work, but I was pleased to see that the Vortx technology in this Tower air fryer is even better at circulating the air and heating it up, making it quicker than an oven by up to 30%. This variety is also 6 litres, which is a generous size to be able to cook a family meal or large volume baking, thereby saving energy as well as time.

As air fryers work by cooking the food with air at high temperatures which is circulated quickly around the food, there is no need for any fat as you have to do with electric or gas ovens. The air convection mechanism uses a lot less energy too, and this Vortx Air Fryer uses 70% less energy for cooking than oven, which with the price of energy is also a bonus. 

The machine itself is pretty big; bigger than a bread maker or about as big as a mixer. However, compared to a built-in oven, it’s much smaller and obviously mobile, so taking it away to university would be ideal. I like the fact that it stays on the worktop like a microwave would so all the panels and buttons are at eye level and the drawer can be opened with one hand if needed. It’s not so heavy that you need two hand, and I also like that you don’t need oven gloves to take the drawer out. Much safer with little children around and anyone with a disability and unable to bend down or lift out heavy grills will find this much easier. In fact, the Tower Vortx Air Fryer is designed in a way in which elderly or anyone with a disability can adapt how they use it to be able to lift the drawer and carry food.

The front panel is touch controlled, which lights up when you switch it on with the control panel button, but don’t forget to switch it on at the wall first! It’s easy to set the temperature from 80 Centigrade up to 200 Centigrade. You can also choose some of the pre-sets for easier cooking such as fries, steak and cake.

Once I had worked out the controls panel, it was time to start testing the Vortx Air Fryer! I started with some simple oven chips. As you don’t need any oil, I just piled a layer into the basket and used the pre-set controls for cooking them.  After the 15 minutes cooking time, the Vortx Air Fryer emits a sound and you take the drawer out, emptying the fries onto a plate. There’s very little clearing up to do because there’s no oil involved, and the chips are crisp on the outside and still fluffy on the inside!

Once I had mastered fries, it was onto cooking more of a meal! I cooked a piece of beef, being careful to work out the cooking time with regards to the weight.  Like any new appliance, it takes a while to get used to the cooking times and how evenly it cooks so I checked on the meat a few times by opening the drawer.  The beef was nicely cooked on the outside, along with the layer of mustard I had smothered on top to give it some extra flavour!  You can see in the photo how it looked as soon as I took it out of the air fryer and put it on a plate – medium rare, and that was in 20 minutes of cooking.

The Tower Vortx 6l Air Fryer can also be used for cooking vegetables, baking, roasting and even dehydrating such as these pieces of apple which I put on at 80 Centigrade (the lowest temperature possible) for 20 minutes. Most of the moisture was taken out, without any burning and just the flavour of the apple left behind. This will be lovely as part of a salad later in the week and puts to use the windfall apples from the garden this time of year!

Healthier than a microwave and more versatile than an oven, the Tower Vortx Air Fryer is brilliant for going to university and not having to worry about ovens and hot grills.

Available from £79.99 in 6 colours at: 
