Ben & Anna White Toothpaste with Flouride

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

I am a big fan of sustainable health and beauty products. Unfortunately, they are not easy to find on supermarket shelves so you have to look online and find what you’re looking for.  Toothpaste packaging is particularly bad for not being able to be recycled properly and the ingredients are not always what you want to be putting in your body, especially if you’re vegan. Thankfully nowadays, there are a lot more products on the market.

Ben & Anna started their vegan beauty product business with the aim of using organic ingredients and plastic-free packaging. Starting with aluminium-free deodorants, they progressed onto sodium bicarbonate based toothpaste in a glass jar, with essential oils to help with fighting germs and bacteria.  The resulting White Toothpaste range was sent to us to review this week and we’ve been loving it!

The 100ml toothpaste arrived in a glass pot and with a wooden spoon to be able to spoon it onto your toothbrush! The spoon actually fits into the pot which I found quite handy.  When you open the toothpaste pot, there is a beautiful, overwhelming menthol smell from the toothpaste. The paste is similar to toothpaste and a white colour so children won’t find any difference but the biggest change is that it’s completely vegan with all vegan and organic ingredients.

It was easy to place the toothpaste on the toothbrush with the spoon, and is actually easier to control the amount you use. The White Toothpaste cleans brilliantly and I didn’t find any difference in cleaning compared to my normal toothpaste.  The aroma is lovely too! The only difference I found was that there is no foaming because it doesn’t contain sulphates or agents which create the bubbles. 

Like most sustainably products and especially in healthcare, the actual packaging is very aesthetic and looks great on a shelf! It can either be recycled or reused for something else, perhaps a homemade remedy.  The Ben & Anna White Toothpaste with Flouride was certainly a refreshing change to the medicinal High Street offerings, had a much better fragrance and was just as good at cleaning. For anyone who is vegan or only uses organic products, there is no reason not to try Ben & Anna, and not just for their toothpaste. There’s deodorant, hand care and even haircare to try too.

Available at the Ben & Anna website for £8.95:

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