Just Spices

Disclaimer – We received this item for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Do you ever find that food can be a little boring at times? 

I often find that the foods that are good for us lack flavour and don’t hold my interest at all. 

Well, not anymore thanks to Just Spices!

Just Spices offer a wide range of toppings and seasonings to liven up practically any meal! 

💛Cocoa Banana Porridge Spice £5.99 – I have always found porridge quite plain but thanks to this gorgeous blend my porridge has immense flavour and has made breakfast interesting again. The chocolate and banana flavours pair extremely well and a bog standard bowl of porridge is turned into a bowl of chocolate deliciousness that actually feels quite naughty.

💙Scrambled Egg Seasoning £3.99 – this wonderfully diverse Seasoning isn’t just for Scrambled eggs, it can be used on omelettes, poached, fried and even boiled eggs. It gives eggs a well-needed explosion of flavour and can turn a boring cheese omelette into a taste sensation with just a few shakes! 

I also received the starter kit from Just Spices which contained the following…

🥔Roast Potato Seasoning

🥘Curry Madras

🍗Chicken Seasoning

🥑Avocado Topping

🍳Egg Topping

🇮🇹 Italian All Rounder

🥕Vegetable All Rounder

🧂Fine Rock Salt

📖 Spice Guide Booklet

I am thoroughly enjoying working my way through the starter kit. The Italian All Rounder really transformed my lasagne into something incredibly special. 

I will definitely be purchasing more of these amazing kits in the future! 

Available to buy at https://www.justspices.co.uk/

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