Who the Hell Are You?

Who the Hell Are You? Book by Ant Austen

Disclaimer – We received this item free for the purpose of this review/feature but all words and opinions are our own.

Self development books rarely teach you something new nowadays nor are they well written but I couldn’t put down the new book from Ant Austen – Who The Hell Are You?

The premise of the book is to find out who you are, which let’s face it, most self-help books are about anyway. The way Austen approaches the subject is more engaging than most books though and that’s what’s kept me hooked. At this point in my life, I have read an awful lot of books and am looking for a new direction so the idea of finding out “Who The Hell Are You?” is both exhausting and poignant.  Austen talks from personal experience where he ran a removal business in the UK, was working weekend and every hour he could in order to fulfil the Hard work = success mantra but having no idea what success looked like to him, or what he was sacrificing. It’s a familiar story to many of us nowadays.

The book looks at several aspects of human psychology to both explain how we work, and to go through some exercises to find out what we want. To me, one of the lightbulb moments was when he was explaining about the Law of Attraction in a different way to how it’s been presented to me before and it suddenly made sense. The idea that when you feel good, you’re starting to work with The Law of Attraction. This cemented in me the need to be positive all the time (gratitude) and create good emotions all the time in order to be in the right place. The second principle that hit home was that the Law of Attraction works on like attracting like. So, if you’re in a good place, feeling good, then you are going to attract good people and good things, which translates into things you like.  It sounds simple but if you’re not understanding one aspect of the laws, the rest won’t work in the same way so you won’t get what you’re craving.  

The rest of the book works on your frame of mind, your habits, and then onto your structure of how you are going to improve life. It’s a book which you need to read several times (it even says that in the beginning) so that you pick up different aspects as you learn each new theory. There wasn’t much of the book that was new to me, but it was written and presented in a way in which I suddenly grasped the meaning and was able to tie together the different laws and how they work so that it builds up a better picture for me and where I want to go. I’ll be reading the book several times over the summer to keep solidifying the ideas. I hope there’s a second book soon!





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Available from £11.99 at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Who-Hell-Are-You-Understand/dp/B0CWRXQHJH

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